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  1. Moodle
  2. MDL-48679

When Grade publishing is enabled the Grade Export URL does not appear


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • 2.8.4
    • 2.8 regressions, 2.8.1
    • Gradebook
    • MDL-48679-master
    • Hide

      Exploratory Testing

      1. Enable Grade Publishing (gradepublishing)
      2. In a course with graded students visit: Course Administration > Grades > Export > Excel spreadsheet
      3. Expand the Grade publishing options and select an existing key or create a new key using the Key manager.
      4. Click Export and make sure a URL to export the grades was created.
      5. Click on the URL and make sure you get the exported file and the content is correct.
      6. Now, back to form, select the Do not publish and click Export again.
      7. Make sure you get the exported file and the content is correct.
      8. Select other display types on Export format options (multiple display types at once, etc...).
      9. Click the export button, make sure you get the exported file and the grades are displayed using the selected display types.
      10. Search for the grade_export_displaytype config setting, and select a multiple grade display type: Letter (percentage) for example.
      11. Visit the grade exporting page, select a key and click Export.
      12. Copy the link, paste it on a different tab and remove the displaytype=1 parameter from the url and press enter.
      13. Make sure you got the exported file and you have one column for each grade display type (one column for Letter and other column for Percentage).
      14. Disable Grade Publishing.
      15. Go to the export page again, note now the button is named Download, click on it and make sure you get the exported file.
      16. Please, repeat above steps to all export formats: XML file, OpenDocument spreadsheet and Plain text file.

      Backward Compatible Testing

      1. Install a moodle 2.7 instance and enable gradepublishing.
      2. In a course with graded students visit: Course Administration > Grades > Export > Excel spreadsheet.
      3. Expand the Grade publishing options and select an existing key or create a new key using the Key manager.
      4. Click Export and make sure a URL to export the grades was created.
      5. Copy this URL somewhere, and update your moodle install to 2.8
      6. Paster your URL, and make sure you still get the file in the select format.
      Exploratory Testing Enable Grade Publishing ( gradepublishing ) In a course with graded students visit: Course Administration > Grades > Export > Excel spreadsheet Expand the Grade publishing options and select an existing key or create a new key using the Key manager. Click Export and make sure a URL to export the grades was created. Click on the URL and make sure you get the exported file and the content is correct. Now, back to form, select the Do not publish and click Export again. Make sure you get the exported file and the content is correct. Select other display types on Export format options (multiple display types at once, etc...). Click the export button, make sure you get the exported file and the grades are displayed using the selected display types. Search for the grade_export_displaytype config setting, and select a multiple grade display type: Letter (percentage) for example. Visit the grade exporting page, select a key and click Export . Copy the link, paste it on a different tab and remove the displaytype=1 parameter from the url and press enter. Make sure you got the exported file and you have one column for each grade display type (one column for Letter and other column for Percentage) . Disable Grade Publishing. Go to the export page again, note now the button is named Download , click on it and make sure you get the exported file. Please, repeat above steps to all export formats: XML file, OpenDocument spreadsheet and Plain text file . Backward Compatible Testing Install a moodle 2.7 instance and enable gradepublishing . In a course with graded students visit: Course Administration > Grades > Export > Excel spreadsheet. Expand the Grade publishing options and select an existing key or create a new key using the Key manager. Click Export and make sure a URL to export the grades was created. Copy this URL somewhere, and update your moodle install to 2.8 Paster your URL, and make sure you still get the file in the select format.
    • Team '; drop tables Sprint 2
    • Small

      Problem: The export feature downloads a file, but never provides the export URL that I need to add into my scripts.


      1. Go to Moodle Demo (http://school.demo.moodle.net/my/) log in as manager.

      2. Go to Site Administration -> Grades -> General settings (http://school.demo.moodle.net/admin/settings.php?section=gradessettings) and enable publishing.

      3. Go to a class and set up a key for grade publishing (http://school.demo.moodle.net/grade/export/keymanager.php?id=62)

      4. Go to Export (http://school.demo.moodle.net/grade/export/xls/index.php?id=62), select the key you just made under "Grade Publishing" and then click the "Download" button.

      5. File downloads, no URL provided.

      I've tested this in Safari 8.0.2 and Firefox 34.0.5 on OS X Yosemite.

        1. publishing_explained.png
          34 kB
        2. Psych Cine Grades.xlsx
          8 kB
        3. gradeexport_in_27.png
          37 kB
        4. 28_download.png
          20 kB
        5. 26_submit.png
          19 kB

            lameze Simey Lameze
            jonwestfall Jon Westfall
            Frédéric Massart Frédéric Massart
            David Monllaó David Monllaó
            Marina Glancy Marina Glancy
            0 Vote for this issue
            8 Start watching this issue


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