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  1. Moodle
  2. MDL-49490

Export to portfolio link in assignment with additional files causes error


    • MDL-49490-master
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      1. Enable portfolios in advance features
      2. In Admin ▶︎ Plugins ▶︎ Portfolios ▶︎ Manage portfolios enable file download plugin
      3. Add a new assignment with additional files in the description and enable online text and file submisison
      4. view the assignment
      5. VERIFY: that all export to portfolio links work
      6. As a student, submit the assignment
      7. VERIFY: that all export to portfolio links work
      Enable portfolios in advance features In Admin ▶︎ Plugins ▶︎ Portfolios ▶︎ Manage portfolios enable file download plugin Add a new assignment with additional files in the description and enable online text and file submisison view the assignment VERIFY: that all export to portfolio links work As a student, submit the assignment VERIFY: that all export to portfolio links work

      • With portfolios enabled, create an assignment that includes additional files
      • The "export to portfolio" option appears for those (teacher) additional files (???)
      • Clicking on the export to portfolio link (but not the export icon--this works as expected) generates this error: mod_assign/invalidfileandsubmissionid
      • export to portfolio link works as expected for student submitted files

      Question: should the export link be showing at all for these files which are part of the assignment, not student work? If so, the link error should be fixed.

            poltawski Dan Poltawski
            mgoodine Meg Goodine
            Simey Lameze Simey Lameze
            David Monllaó David Monllaó
            Rajesh Taneja Rajesh Taneja
            1 Vote for this issue
            7 Start watching this issue


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