Resolution: Fixed
MDL-49845-master -
Team '; drop tables Sprint 6
NOTE: With the issues regarding the user's pictures - I am not certain what the expected behaviour is. It varies all over the place. This is an existing issue in Moodle but would be good to get it sorted now so it is consistent everywhere.
Related Issues 1
- Log in as admin.
- Visit your profile.
- Click on 'My notes'.
- Notice there is no breadcrumbs.
- Click on 'Browser sessions'.
- Notice there is no breadcrumbs.
Put in a breadcrumb
Related issues 2
- Log in as an admin.
- Visit a course.
- View the enrolled users.
- Click on one of the user's profiles.
- Click on 'View all blog entries'.
- Notice the user's picture is above the breadcrumbs.
If the course doesn't match the site ID then have the header be the course name and create a sub header for the user - Go back to their profile page.
- Click on 'Notes'.
- Notice the user's picture is above the breadcrumbs.
Same as above, if there is a course id that is not the site id then move the user header down to become the sub header (regardless of the fact that the page has all the information about all contexts)
Related issues 3
- Log in as a student in a course (with more than one enrolled user).
- View another student's course profile.
- Click on 'View all blog entries'.
- Notice 'Participants' is not a URL (but is in other places).
The participants title in the navigation block and the breadcrumb should be a link.
Related issue 4
- Log in as the administrator (must be the admin).
- Go to my profile (through the user menu).
- My preferences should not show up on the my profile page.
When viewing another person's profile remove their name from the preferences link.
Remove link to preferences page in your own profile.
This may not actually be a problem, as long as the administration block is always last.