Resolution: Fixed
2.8.7, 2.9.1
In that case, a user will see a fatal error (throw new moodle_quiz_exception($attemptobj->get_quizobj(), 'noreviewattempt'); on line 75 of review.php) wheras review should be allowed
Steps to reproduce:
- You need a quiz in a course, set up so that review is always allowed.
- You need a test user Fred, who is initially enrolled in the course as a student.
- Log in as Fred, and start an attempt.
- Log out and log in as admin, and give Fred's Teacher role in addition to Student.
- Also, override the permissions in that quiz, so that teachers do not have mod/quiz:viewreports capability.
- Log back in as Fred, and continue the attempt and Submit it.
Expected result: Fred can see the review.
Actual result:
You are not allowed to review this attempt.
More information about this error
Debug info:
Error code: noreviewattempt
Stack trace:
line 75 of /mod/quiz/review.php: moodle_quiz_exception thrown