Resolution: Fixed
2.9.2, 3.0.2, 3.1
MDL-51852-master -
We noticed that timed forum posts display the incorrect (or illogical) date a timed post was made available to all users in forum digest emails. Digest emails contain the 'created' date rather than the 'timestart' date that is displayed to the student through the UI
Steps to replicate
- This test may take 40+ minutes to replicate.
- We have all emails from our testing environment diverted to one address which makes it easier to test this issue.
- Set the $CFG->digestmailtimelast time to shortly after the timestart value in step 6.
- As we are not creating timestart posts days (or weeks) in advance, this may not seem like a huge issue. This will begin to cause serious confusion if the timestart is set weeks in advance, but a digest email displays the postmodified time to the user.
- Enabled timed posts ($CFG->forum_enabletimedposts) in site-wide forum settings (if not already enabled)
- Ensure the forum cron is running every 5 minutes
- Create a site with students enrolled and the students have a variety of all three forum digest types
- As a teacher, create a standard forum
- As a teacher, force subscription on the forum
- As a teacher, create a timed forum post (post 1) with a timestart 20 minutes in the future
- As a teacher, create a reply to post 1
- As a teacher, create a forum post (post 2) without timestart / timeend enabled and Mail now enabled
- Wait for the forum cron to process post 2. Post 2 will be delivered instantly and display the correct forum creation time.
- Wait for the next cron run after the timestart value set in post 1 to process. Post 1 will be correctly delivered 20 + minutes past the date it was created (correctly respecting the timestart date), but will display the postmodified time to the user as the post creation time rather than the timestart time.
- Wait for the forumdigest cron to process. Post 1 and the reply to post 1 will display the postmodified time to the user despite having a timestart value on the discussion. Post 2 will display the postmodified time correctly.
- has been marked as being related by
MDL-65792 Timed/Scheduled Posts are displaying create/modified time instead of release time
- Closed