Resolution: Fixed
2.8.8, 2.9.2
MDL-51894-master -
10-23-15 -
Hi everyone,
We are running the current stable moodle version, and have a non-production site in development, and about three days ago I set up the Incoming Mail settings, and have run manual cron runs since then without errors in that area. Today an error showed up. Please see the two logs below, and the attached files for previous cron logs and plugin lists. If you need more info, please let me know. Automated plugin update is turned off and we have had the same 9 plugins in use since this past summer. None have been updated manually. Neither the plugins, nor I, have made changes to the moodle code. I do have the dev. debug mode on.
Note: For the company's security, I had to remove part of the server name, and part of the email address, from these logs and attached files, and I assure you that the IMAP port 993 is correct.
*Today I did a manual cron run and got this error: *
NOTE: I did not create a tobeconfirmed mailbox or folder
Execute scheduled task: Cleanup of unverified incoming email
... started 10:33:36. Current memory use 8.7MB.
Connecting to ...secureserver.net:993 as generic@____...
Connection established.
Searching for messages older than 24 hours in the 'tobeconfirmed' folder.
... used 0 dbqueries
... used 0.40515089035034 seconds
Scheduled task failed: Cleanup of unverified incoming email,Could not open mailbox "tobeconfirmed".
* line 995 of /lib/horde/framework/Horde/Imap/Client/Base.php: call to Horde_Imap_Client_Socket->_openMailbox()
* line 248 of /admin/tool/messageinbound/classes/manager.php: call to Horde_Imap_Client_Base->openMailbox()
* line 52 of /admin/tool/messageinbound/classes/task/cleanup_task.php: call to tool_messageinbound\manager->tidy_old_messages()
* line 74 of /lib/cronlib.php: call to tool_messageinbound\task\cleanup_task->execute()
* line 81 of /admin/cron.php: call to cron_run()