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  1. Moodle
  2. MDL-52538

Lesson content pages display grade information if the 'minimum number of questions' setting is used


    • MDL-52538-master
    • Hide
      1. Log in as Admin or Teacher.
      2. Create a Lesson activity with at least one question page and one content page.
        • In settings set:
          • 'Display ongoing score' = no.
          • Minimum number of questions' > 0.
      3. Add one or several question pages.
      4. Add one content page.
        • note: The content page MUST be added after the question page.
      5. Log in as Student.
      6. Take the Lesson activity.
        • make sure the grade and number of questions answered are not displayed on the content page or lesson page until the end of the lesson.


      Log in as Admin or Teacher. Create a Lesson activity with at least one question page and one content page. In settings set: 'Display ongoing score' = no. Minimum number of questions' > 0. Add one or several question pages. Add one content page. note: The content page MUST be added after the question page. Log in as Student. Take the Lesson activity. make sure the grade and number of questions answered are not displayed on the content page or lesson page until the end of the lesson .  

      To reproduce:
      -Create a Lesson activity with at least one question page and one content page.
      -In settings, set 'Display ongoing score' to no.
      -Set 'Minimum number of questions' > 0

      Log in as a student and begin the lesson

      Note that grade and number of questions answered is not displayed on question pages, but IS displayed on content pages.

      I would expect that if 'Display ongoing score' is set to no, the score would not display on any page until the end of the lesson is reached.

            Geshoski Mihail Geshoski
            adamann2 Ann Adamcik
            Simey Lameze Simey Lameze
            Damyon Wiese Damyon Wiese
            Rayna Mae Jayco Rayna Mae Jayco
            5 Vote for this issue
            11 Start watching this issue


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