Resolution: Fixed
2.8.9, 2.9.3, 3.0.1
MDL-52661-master -
3.1 Stable Sprint 2
The marking guide advanced grading page needs to be improved in terms of accessibility.
The following issues have been identified:
- Creating a form
- The Label for the "Description for Students" specifies the "name" for the textarea, not it's ID - so it's not read to screen readers
- Same for "Description for Markers"
- Same for frequently used comments
- The buttons to reorder or delete criterion or frequently used comments all have tab index -1 so they do not appear in the tab order.
- Filling a form
- The remarks textareas have no labels
- The score input fields all have the same label which does not indicate which criterion they are for or the maximum score for the field.
- The add button for frequently used comments has tabindex of -1, is not a button, and has no aria role indicating it can be interacted with.
- The entire design of the frequently used comments feature prevents it from working with a screen reader because it relies on clicks and focus on 2 different widgets simultaneously.
- Viewing marking guide as a student
- Not too bad. Only comment is that the score is read as "4 /" and then "6" in the next element because it's in a separate div.