You are required to have a Redis server running and configured to work with your web server in order to perform this test.
For Ubuntu that is simply,
apt-get install php5-redis redis-server
service apache2 restart
Ensure that lib/classes/session/redis.php exists.
Edit config.php and add the following:
$CFG->session_handler_class = '\core\session\redis';
$CFG->session_redis_save_path = 'tcp://';
Navigate to admin/phpinfo.php then scroll down to the session block and check the following local values,
session.save_handler = redis
session.save_path = tcp://
To see if Redis is being used, in a prompt on the server type the following command
Navigate around the site keeping an eye on the open terminal.
You should now see session objects being accessed via Redis.
There is an attachment php file that can run additional tests. 'redis_test.php'
Please place it in the root directory of your Moodle install.
This script uses the built in generators to create a list of accounts in Moodle.
It then logs the users in to create individual session objects that are stored in Redis.
Navigates to the user dashboard to retreive the session object and update it.
When it navigates to this page it compares some of the session data with the generated data for a match.
The default Moodle $CFG->sessiontimeout is two hours.
This script has the following defaults.
Max users created: 200.
Number of users to connect at once: 25.
To see some runtime options try php redis_test.php --help
The steps for testing the Redis cache store with redis_test.php,
Generate initial test users.
php redis_test.php --generate
# Expected output.
Created 25/200 users.
Created 50/200 users.
Created 75/200 users.
Created 100/200 users.
Created 125/200 users.
Created 150/200 users.
Created 175/200 users.
Created 200/200 users.
Created 200/200 users.
Log the users in.
php redis_test.php --login
# Expected output. If $CFG->sessiontimeout = 7200 (120mins)
Current session timeout: 120 minutes
Logged in 25/200 users.
Logged in 50/200 users.
Logged in 75/200 users.
Logged in 100/200 users.
Logged in 125/200 users.
Logged in 150/200 users.
Logged in 175/200 users.
Logged in 200/200 users.
Test after some time, 0 mins, 5 mins, 1 hour, or less than $CFG->sessiontimeout
php redis_test.php --testall
# Expected output.
Updating sessions of 25/200 users.
Updating sessions of 50/200 users.
Updating sessions of 75/200 users.
Updating sessions of 100/200 users.
Updating sessions of 125/200 users.
Updating sessions of 150/200 users.
Updating sessions of 175/200 users.
Updating sessions of 200/200 users.
Cleanup accounts and temp files generated.
php redis_test.php --delete
# Expected output.
Deleted 25/200 users.
Deleted 50/200 users.
Deleted 75/200 users.
Deleted 100/200 users.
Deleted 125/200 users.
Deleted 150/200 users.
Deleted 175/200 users.
Deleted 200/200 users.