New Feature
Resolution: Fixed
We sometimes get script errors for running certain tasks, such as \mod_forum\task\cron_task
A single task can be run as
php admin/tool/task/cli/schedule_task.php --execute=\\mod_forum\\task\\cron_task
What we want to do is add an option to do database debugging. When you run the Moodle cron, you can set the following configs to enable debugging:
$CFG->showcronsql = 1;
$CFG->showcrondebugging = 1;
That in turns sets debugging as:
if (!empty($CFG->showcronsql)) {
if (!empty($CFG->showcrondebugging)) {
set_debugging(DEBUG_DEVELOPER, true);
We want to be able to enable similar debugging via the command line for schedule tasks as:
php admin/tool/task/cli/schedule_task.php --execute=\\mod_forum\\task\\cron_task --showsql --showdebugging
- has a non-specific relationship to
MDL-51825 Add support for custom parameters to scheduled tasks
- Closed