Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
3.1.1, 3.2.5, 3.3.2, 3.4
If you have unoconv setup, and you have online text enabled, it will always insert the online text onto the first page of the PDF annotation.
That part is simple enough, but if you have online text and file submission on, if they submit a file instead of online text, there will be a blank page as the first page of the combined PDF/annotation.
IMO, if online text is empty, we shouldn't convert it (the current normal rules would still apply where they get a blank annotation page if there is nothing available.
- has a non-specific relationship to
MDL-60251 PDF Generation Doesn't display when Online Text enabled (Google Drive converter)
- Closed
MDL-60319 Online text submissions causing PDF conversion problems when using google drive converter
- Closed
MDL-60008 File won't render in the grader if both submission types are selected
- Closed