Resolution: Fixed
MDL-55859-master -
3.3 sprint 4
Reproduction steps:
- Edit mod/assign/feedback/editpdf/classes/document_services.php - throw an exception between the $convertedfile = $fs->get_converted_document line and the $htmlfile->delete line to simulate a failure
- Add an assignment to a course (with both online text and file submission types enabled)
- Log in as a student
- Make a plain text submission for the assignment
- Log back in as the teacher
- Navigated to the assigment and grade the student's submission
- You should get a failure due to the exception added earlier
- Remove the line throwing the exception from step 1
- Attempt to grade the submission again
- You should get errors about duplicate files and won't be able to give feedback
Original report
Assignment allows file upload and online text. When Teacher clicks Grade button in Assignment, the receive following error:
Can not create file "1305/assignfeedback_editpdf/importhtml/307/onlinetext-onlinetext.html"
Line: 1590
Stack trace:
Duplicate entry 'c673447ed6162145a7b373k8e8428a6b27c13579' for key 'mdl_file_pat_uix'INSERT INTO mdl_files (contextid,component,filearea,itemid,filepath,filename,timecreated,timemodified,userid,source,author,license,status,sortorder,filesize,contenthash,mimetype,pathnamehash) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)[array ( 0 => 1305, 1 => 'assignfeedback_editpdf', 2 => 'importhtml', 3 => '307', 4 => '/', 5 => 'onlinetext-onlinetext.html', 6 => 1472558696, 7 => 1472558696, 8 => NULL, 9 => NULL, 10 => NULL, 11 => NULL, 12 => 0, 13 => 0, 14 => 78, 15 => 'c202da428649a754c4f6dd5c8d9928813bcb41ca', 16 => 'text/html', 17 => 'c673447ed6162145a7b3779de84ss26b27c13579',)]Error code: storedfilenotcreated
The session for the user usually stalls forcing a clearing of browser cache/cookies to re enter site.
- will be (partly) resolved by
MDL-56437 Unoconv processing appears to ignore failures
- Closed