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  1. Moodle
  2. MDL-56568

User with Parent Role cannot view grades of designated child



      Running Moodle 3.1.2+ (Build: 20161007)
      I created a Parent Role to assign to users that are vehicle dealership Sales Managers to view their Employees (Children) progress through online training.

      What I expect to see:

      • Sales Manager logsin, is able to browse a listing of his employees, click on their names to view that employees profile, and review grades for all courses that employee is in and grades of assignments within each course. I created 2 sample Cohorts to represent 2 different dealerships. The goal is to have a Sales Manager be able to view aspects of their employee training but not the employees of other dealerships. Also, be able to mass enroll their employees in a Cohort into a specific course.


      • Created the Parent Role as derived from the 3.1 docs
      • Installed the Mentees Block as derived from the 3.1 docs. The block is configured and titled "Sales Manager to Employee"
      • Created 2 Sales Managers (SM-A and SM-B)
      • Assigned each manager to a Cohort that represents their dealership (Dealership-A and Dealership-B)
      • Associated different mock users/children/employees to each SM
      • Associated corresponding users to each Cohort
      • Created mock courses with sample 1 question quizzes
      • Logged in with each mock user to complete the mock courses.

      What happens:

      • Sales Manager (SM) logs in
      • From his Home page, notes the users listed under My Students on right side of page and the same users listed under the Mentees block on the opposite side of the page. Hyperlinks for users listed in both locations are exactly the same.
      • SM clicks a user and accesses that users profile page
      • In the resulting page, there is a listed hyperlink for Grades, SM clicks it...
      • Webpage opens indicating "Cannot view grades".

      Quasi Workaround:

      • If I edit the course id=1 to id=811146 (a valid course id# that one of his employees has completed), I can view the grades for all courses that user is associated to. This does not always work; sometimes a valid completed course id# will return a message that the SM has no permission to view that.
      • When the edit of the course id=# does work and the SM sees all courses, he can click on the course but is presented with a screen saying "Can not view grades." A hyperlink is available for "More information about this error" but the resulting page, once loaded, states "This page does not exist yet."

      Cohort functions seem to be working fine; Sales Manager "SM-A" can enroll all in cohort "Dealership-A" to a specific course(s). Sales Manager "SM-B" can do the same. Neither has cross access to view the others employees progress.

      Let me know if anything needs clarification. I am wide open to corrective actions on my part if needed; I am learning more about Moodle every day I use it.
      Fred Proctor

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            fproctor Fred Proctor
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