Resolution: Fixed
MDL-58288-master -
- Navigate to Site admin -> Plugins -> Document converters
- Enable unoconv and set the path
- View the Test PDF
- Confirm that the file was (eventually) generated
Damyon wrote on MDL-55528:
I don't think we should fail this issue - but we need a followup next week.
The test pdf link needs the same refactoring patch as the last one Andrew added during integration.
Exception - Argument 1 passed to fileconverter_unoconv\converter::poll_conversion_status() must be an instance of core_files\conversion, instance of fileconverter_unoconv\converter given, called in [dirroot]/files/converter/unoconv/classes/converter.php on line 211
- is a regression caused by
MDL-55528 File conversion API should be a plugin interface
- Closed