I uploaded a csv file with this content:
Wi17_4711;"WiSe 2017/18: 4711 MyTestCourse";Wi17_4711;1.1.1;1;16.10.2017;16.10.2018;weeks;self;1234;16.10.2017;3632400
Upload setting: "Create new courses only, skip existing ones"
Course default settings: Sections:4
The course is created with startdate and enddate set to 16.10.2017, but enddate should be 16.10.2018!
"Course administration" ->"Calculate the end date from the number of sections" is checked, but the course has no sections.
A short investigation in the database shows: enddate = startdate + 7200 as a result of course/format/weeks/lib.php(get_section_dates) called without sections.
The creation of the default sections during upload seems to be missing ...
- Testing discovered
MDL-59259 tool_uploadcourse should allow course format options to be specified in CSV file
- Closed