Testing requirements
This test requires:
a Microsoft account
a Google account
We're going to test the behaviour of three different repositories: Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive and Nextcloud.
This first part deals with setting these repositories up on a newly installed site.
Google drive setup
Create a new Moodle site.
Go to the developer console at and sign in with your personal Google account. Accounts tied to an organisation may not be permitted to create new projects.
In the left pane, click 'Credentials'. If you're prompted to create a new project (i.e. you haven't created one in the past), then do so now.
Click 'Create credentials' at the top and select 'OAuth client id'
Set the following:
'Application type' to 'Web application'
'Name' to 'Moodle'
Under 'Authorized redirect URIs' click 'Add URI'
Enter 'http://LOCALHOST-MOODLE/admin/oauth2callback.php', replacing LOCALHOST-MOODLE with localhost/master or whatever you use.
Now, copy the clientid and client secret for use in a moment
Now, go to the console dashboard ( )
Make sure 'Google Drive API' is enabled (you will see it listed at the bottom if it is). If it's not visible, you'll need to enable this API via the 'Enable APIs and Services' button at the top of the page. Make sure you can see 'Google Drive API' listed on the dashboard after you enable it. Don't continue until you have this part set up.
On your Moodle site, log in as admin
Go to Admin > Server > OAuth 2 services
Click 'Create new Google service'
Enter the clientid and client secret and save changes
Now, go to admin > plugins > repositories > manage repositories
Enable 'Google Drive' repository
Click 'settings' for the Google Drive repository
Name it 'Google Drive repo', set issuer to 'Google' and save.
Now, go to private files, click the 'Add...' button and you should see 'Google Drive repo' listed on the left side of the file picker. If not, please check the above steps again.
OneDrive setup
Go to the Azure portal at and sign in with your microsoft account
Click 'Azure active directory'
From the left hand pane, under 'Manage', select 'App registrations'
Click 'New registration'
'Name' to 'Moodle' and
'Supported account types' to 'Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Azure AD directory - Multitenant) and personal Microsoft accounts (e.g. Skype, Xbox)'
'Redirection URI' to 'Web' and enter 'http://LOCALHOST-MOODLE/admin/oauth2callback.php', replacing LOCALHOST-MOODLE with localhost/master or whatever you use.
Click 'Register'
Now, you should be on an 'Overview' page
Copy the 'Application (client) id' value to a text document for use in a moment
In the left pane, click 'Certificates and secrets'
Click 'New client secret', name it 'Moodle' and save
Copy the value of the secret to a text document for use in a moment
Now, log in to your Moodle site as admin
Go to Admin > Server > OAuth 2 services
Click 'Create new Microsoft service'
Enter the clientid and client secret you copied earlier and save.
Now, go to admin > plugins > repositories > manage repositories
Enable 'Microsoft OneDrive' repository
Click 'settings' for the OneDrive repository
Name it 'OneDrive repo', set 'OAuth 2 service' to 'Microsoft' and save.
Now, go to private files, click the 'Add...' button and you should see 'OneDrive repo' listed on the left side of the file picker.
If not, please check the above steps again.
Nextcloud setup
With docker-ce installed locally, run the nextcloud container:
(source: )
docker run -d -p 8080:80 nextcloud
Run ngrok for port 8080
ngrok http --region=au 8080
(set region as appropriate for you, provided you have an ngrok account)
Go to the https ngrok URL, i.e. https://NGROK-URL , and you should see the nextcloud login screen
Untick the 'install apps' box - this just adds time to the install which we don't need.
Sign in using admin:test (creating the account during the process)
Note: If you're blocked by Firefox, you might need to ignore the warning and proceed anyway, repeating the process.
Now, from the top right menu, go to 'settings'
Now, in the admin section (bottom left), click 'security'
Under 'password policy' change min length to 4 and deselect the 'forbid common passwords' checkbox (it auto saves on change)
Scroll down to 'OAuth 2.0 Clients' and under 'add client' enter:
Name: Moodle
Redirection URI: http://LOCALHOST-MOODLE/admin/oauth2callback.php , replacing LOCALHOST-MOODLE with localhost/master or whatever you use.
Click 'add'
Copy the clientid and secret to a text doc for use in a moment
Now, via the top right menu, click 'Users'
Create the following users:
Log out of nextcloud
Log in to your Moodle site and go to Site admin > Server > OAuth 2 Services
Click 'add a new nextcloud service'
Enter the client id and secret you copied from nextcloud earlier
In 'Service base URL', enter your https ngrok URL
Save changes
Now, go to admin > plugins > repositories > manage repositories
Enable Nextcloud repository
Click 'settings' for the Nextcloud repository
Click 'Create a new repository instance'
Name it 'Nextcloud repo', set issuer to 'Nextcloud' and save.
Now, go to private files, click the 'Add...' button and you should see 'Nextcloud repo' listed on the left side of the file picker.
If not, please check the above steps again.
Testing persistent access to the three repositories
Make sure you're logged out of your locally running Nextcloud (login and then logout if you're not sure)
In Moodle, first make sure you have two test users s1 and s2
Log in to Moodle as s1
Open private files
Click 'Add...' button
In the file picker window, click 'Nextcloud repo'
Click 'Log in to your account' and continue through the Nextcloud log in process using the s1:test credentials you created earlier.
Confirm log in is successful and you can see some Nextcloud files listed in the Moodle repository
In the file picker window, click 'Google Drive repo'
Click 'Log in to your account' and continue through the Google log in process using your Google account (If you see a warning about an unverified app, just expand the 'advanced' link and select 'Go to Moodle')
Confirm log in is successful and you can see some Google Drive files listed in the Moodle repository
In the file picker window, click 'Onedrive repo'
Click 'Log in to your account' and continue through the OneDrive log in process using your Microsoft account
Confirm log in is successful and you can see some OneDrive files/folders listed in the Moodle repository
Log out of Moodle.
Log out of the locally running Nextcloud.
Repeat the repository log in process for all three repositories using user s2 (for Nextcloud, make sure you're logged out from your local Nextcloud site first, otherwise it'll try to link to whatever account is logged in already).
Log out of Moodle.
Log in to Moodle as s1
Go to private files
Click the 'Add...' button
Click 'Nextcloud repo'
Confirm the repository automatically logs in and displays files without any prompts
Click 'Google Drive repo'
Confirm the repository automatically logs in and displays files without any prompts
Click 'OneDrive repo'
Confirm the repository automatically logs in and displays files without any prompts
Now, for each of the repositories we just inspected, select it and click the 'Logout' icon.
For each, Confirm you now see the 'Log in to your account' button shown.
Click back and forth between the three repositories and Confirm you still see the 'Log in to your account' button as you select each one.
Log out of Moodle.
Log out of the locally running Nextcloud
Log in to Moodle as user s2.
Go to private files
Click the 'Add..' button
Click 'Nextcloud repo'
Confirm the repository automatically logs in and displays files without any prompts
Click 'Google Drive repo'
Confirm the repository automatically logs in and displays files without any prompts
Click 'OneDrive repo'
Confirm the repository automatically logs in and displays files without any prompts
Log out of Moodle.
Log in to Moodle as s1
Go to private files
Click the 'Add..' button
Click 'Nextcloud repo'
Confirm you see the 'Log in to your account' button
Click 'Google Drive repo'
Confirm you see the 'Log in to your account' button
Click 'OneDrive repo'
Confirm you see the 'Log in to your account' button
Now, for each of the three repositories, log in to each again and Confirm you can see the files listed.
Log out of Moodle.
Revoking app access and refresh tokens
Sign in to Nextcloud as user s1
In the top right, from the user menu, select 'settings'
In the left pane, click 'Security'
Under 'Devices and sessions' open the menu for Moodle (...) and click 'Revoke'
Now, log in to Moodle as user s1
Go to private files
Click the 'Add...' button
Click the 'Nextcloud repo' if not already selected
Confirm you see the 'Log in to your account' button
Log in to Nextcloud repo again and Confirm you can see the Nextcloud files listed.
Log out of Moodle
Now, go to your Microsoft account settings ( )
Click 'Privacy' from the header navigation
Scroll down to the bottom in 'Other privacy settings' and click the 'Apps and services that can access your data' link
Select 'Moodle' and click 'Remove these permissions'
Now, log in to Moodle as user s1
Go to private files
Click the 'Add...' button
Click the 'OneDrive repo' if not already selected
Confirm you see the 'Log in to your account' button
Log in to OneDrive repo again and Confirm you can see the OneDrive files listed.
Log out of Moodle
Now, go to your Google account ( )
In the left menu, select 'Security'
Now, under 'Third party apps with account access', click 'Manage third party access'
Click 'Moodle'
Click 'Remove access' and confirm
Now, log in to Moodle as user s1
Go to private files
Click the 'Add...' button
Click the 'Google Drive repo' if not already selected
Confirm you see the 'Log in to your account' button
Log in to Google Drive repo again and Confirm you can see the Google Drive files listed.
Log out of Moodle
Upgrade test
Install a new Moodle site running the latest weekly code. You'll need to checkout these commit hashes for each respective branch, then run the installation.
Create the instances
mdk create -t -v master -n imaster
mdk create -t -v 310 -n i310
Checkout the weekly commit:
git checkout e049d30613
git checkout 8b026809c
Run through the installation for both sites
Now, checkout the integration changes
git checkout master
git checkout MOODLE_310_STABLE
Run the upgrade for both sites and Verify there are no problems during upgrade.
Now, for each site, run through the Google OAuth 2.0 setup as above and Verify you are able to sign in to the repository
Log out and log back in
Go to the repository and open Google Drive repository again
Verify you can see your files listed without being asked to sign in.