Log in as admin and go to Calendar.
Add few events of different types (site, user, course, group) on different days in the future.
On the footer of the calendar, click Manage subscription .
On the form, give a name to calendar, select Calendar file (.ics) , add the attached ics file to the file picker and click Add
Go to site home and add Upcoming events block.
On the bottom of the block, click Go to calendar link.
Subscription events.
On the upcoming view make sure events generated by subscription display the event source on the description. Something like: Event source: THE NAME YOU GIVE TO CALENDAR ON MANAGE SUBSCRIPTION.
On the events you have permission, click on delete icon . (Please remember module events cannot be removed)
Make sure it displays the modal with the confirm message: Are you sure you want to delete the "event name" event?
The header should display Delete event .
Click Delete event .
Make sure the calendar region is refreshed and the event is deleted.
Now click on the delete icon in one of those events created by subscription.
It should display a different message, something like: The "Every 5 days, 100 times @ 4:30pm AEST" event is part of a series. Do you want to delete just this event, or all 99 events in the series?
Also it should display two delete buttons: Delete this event and Delete all events .
Click Delete this event and make sure just that event is deleted.
Click in another event generated by subscription , but this time, click Delete all events .
Make sure all events generated by subscription have been deleted.
On the navigation drawer (side menu) select Calendar .
REGRESSION TEST : Repeat this process with different events types and make it works same way as the upcoming view .
Add events
On the upcoming view, click New event button.
Make sure the add event form modal is displayed.
Fill the form and click Save button.
Make sure it works as expected and the new event is created.
The upcoming view region should refresh and the new event should be displayed.
REGRESSION TEST : Go to calendar month view and repeat the steps above. It should works same way as the upcoming view.
Edit events
On the upcoming view, click on the cog icon to edit an event.
Make sure the event form modal is filled with the information from the event you choose.
Edit something on the event, for example name... and click Save button..
Make sure the upcoming view refresh and the new data is displayed.
REGRESSION TEST : Go to calendar month view and repeat the steps above. It should works same way as the upcoming view.
Course filter
On the upcoming view, please note the course selector on the calendar header (top left).
It should display a label Upcoming events for: and a list of courses you are enrolled in.
If it does not display you may enrol your user in a few courses.
Select a course, make sure all course events related to that course are displayed.
All other course events should be hidden.
Now click New event button
Make sure the form pre-selected type of event Course and the course you selected on the upcoming view is selected.
Close the event form modal and select All courses on the course filter.
It should display all events from all courses.
Events keys fake block
On upcoming view, please note on the right side a fake block called events keys which display the event types.
Click in one of the event types, let's say user.
Make sure all user events have been hidden.
Now, click another type lets say site.
Now, user and site event should be hidden.
Click on those event types again and now make sure all events from that type are visible now.
All events should have an icon.
Events description backgroup colour should match the ones on the fake event key block
Every event should display the time of that event, and events in different day should have a link to that day.
That link should redirect you to the respective day view.