Resolution: Duplicate
If I am correct now admin can enable activity tracking in site level and course level
At the Site level
- Site administration > Advanced features > Enable completion tracking
__ At the course level
- Select Course > Edit settings > Completion tracking > Enable
Then, activity tracking is enabled in all courses by default but admin or teacher should set options in each activity
- Course > Turn editing on > Select activity > Activity completion > Set options (depend on the activity)
The third step waste admin's or teachers time if there are many activities to be tracked. For example, if I have ten (10) courses and if eight(8) activities in each course; __
Then, in total, Admin or teacher should set options 80 times (repeat step3) to complete all settings.
My proposal
Add options in "Course default settings" section to set defaults for basic activities for the whole site. __
For example, allow admin to set "Activity completion options" for assignment, forum etc under the course default section.
This will help to reduce the preparation time and admin can control settings at the site level.
Please see the screen shot as a clarification