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  1. Moodle
  2. MDL-59931

Quiz grades results report -- pagination is very incorrect


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • 3.2.6, 3.3.3
    • 3.2.4, 3.3.1, 3.4
    • Quiz
    • MDL-59931_master
    • Hide
      1. Find or create a course with a number of students, where each have a few quiz attempt. Try to aim for a nice number like 10 quiz attempts.
      2. Go to the quiz reports, and set the report options to Page size: 2.
      3. Verify that the paging bar shows 5 pages, and that the last page contains 2 attempts. (Obviously, you could do similar tests with any number of quiz attempts, if you have used an existing course in your testing.)

      The above verifies that the code works write now, but can you be sure you were able to reproduce the the problem before the bug fix. I think the problem comes from either users having mulitple enrolments in the course, or possibly users being members of mulitple groups. So, to extend the above testing:

      1. Try to get it so that two users have multiple enrolments. E.g. can you create it so that a user has both a self-enrolment and a manual enrolment? (Not sure if the UI allows this. I have certainly seen it with a manual enrolment, and an automated enrolment like database enrolment. You may have to set this up directly in the database.)
      2. Before the fix, that woudl have led to the paging bar showing 6 pages (2 extra in the count) but the last page would be empty (really only 10 attempts).
      3. Ideally, you would verify that this is really the right way to reproduce the but on last week's Moodle, before using it to test this fix.

      (Sorry, this is just me - Tim - trying to write best-effort testing instructions, while doing Peer review.)

      Find or create a course with a number of students, where each have a few quiz attempt. Try to aim for a nice number like 10 quiz attempts. Go to the quiz reports, and set the report options to Page size: 2. Verify that the paging bar shows 5 pages, and that the last page contains 2 attempts. (Obviously, you could do similar tests with any number of quiz attempts, if you have used an existing course in your testing.) The above verifies that the code works write now, but can you be sure you were able to reproduce the the problem before the bug fix. I think the problem comes from either users having mulitple enrolments in the course, or possibly users being members of mulitple groups . So, to extend the above testing: Try to get it so that two users have multiple enrolments. E.g. can you create it so that a user has both a self-enrolment and a manual enrolment? (Not sure if the UI allows this. I have certainly seen it with a manual enrolment, and an automated enrolment like database enrolment. You may have to set this up directly in the database.) Before the fix, that woudl have led to the paging bar showing 6 pages (2 extra in the count) but the last page would be empty (really only 10 attempts). Ideally, you would verify that this is really the right way to reproduce the but on last week's Moodle, before using it to test this fix. (Sorry, this is just me - Tim - trying to write best-effort testing instructions, while doing Peer review.)

      When viewing quiz grades results, we notice that the pagination is way off – far too many pages are listed, most of which have no results. In the attached image, notice that the report says that there are 428 pages to view, yet only the first 7 actually have results (which is what one would expect for this quiz grades report – 200 rows with the display set to 30 per page). If you select any page number after 7, the resulting page says "Nothing to Display". You then have to reset table preferences to get the (still incorrect) pagination back.

      We upgraded to 3.2 in early July. That's when we started to notice this. This wasn't present in our previous version (2.7).

      Please let me know if you need any more information.

      Thanks... Brian

            carsontam Carson Tam
            bnwinsf Brian Warling
            Tim Hunt Tim Hunt
            Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) Eloy Lafuente (stronk7)
            Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) Eloy Lafuente (stronk7)
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue


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