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  1. Moodle
  2. MDL-59999

Grade essays page does not show which essays have been graded


    • MDL-59999-master
    • Hide

      Test in Boost theme.

      1. Log in as Admin.
      2. Create course and enrol at least one Student.
      3. Create Lesson activity.
      4. Add a question page.
        • Select Essay question type; click "Add a question page".
        • Fill mandatory fields and click "Save page".
      5. Log in as a Student enrolled in the Course.
      6. Go to the Course.
      7. Attempt the Lesson.
        • Fill the "Your answer" area and click "Submit".
      8. Log in as Admin.
      9. Go to the Course.
      10. Click on the Lesson.
      11. Click on the "Grade essays" tab.
        • Make sure a "Status" column is present in the table. 
        • Make sure the label in the "Status" column for the Student has an informative background colour (orange) and text "Not graded".
      12. Click on the Essays link.
      13. Add "Essay score" and click on "Save changes".
      14. Go back go Lesson > Grade Essays.
        • Make sure the label in the "Status" column for the Student has an informative background colour (green) and text "Graded".
      Test in Boost theme. Log in as Admin. Create course and enrol at least one Student. Create Lesson activity. Add a question page. Select Essay question type; click "Add a question page". Fill mandatory fields and click "Save page". Log in as a Student enrolled in the Course. Go to the Course. Attempt the Lesson. Fill the "Your answer" area and click "Submit". Log in as Admin. Go to the Course. Click on the Lesson. Click on the "Grade essays" tab. Make sure a "Status" column is present in the table.   Make sure the label in the "Status" column for the Student has an informative background colour (orange) and text "Not graded". Click on the Essays link. Add "Essay score" and click on "Save changes". Go back go Lesson > Grade Essays. Make sure the label in the "Status" column for the Student has an informative background colour (green) and text "Graded".

      On the Lesson 'Grade essays' page, there is no indication which (if any) of the submissions have been graded.

      This was addressed in an earlier version (MDL-45679), but has regressed with the Boost theme.

      Workaround: Add the following to Site Administration > Appearance > Themes > Boost > Advanced > Raw SCSS

      .path-mod-lesson .essaygraded

      { background-color: #fcf8e3; }

      .path-mod-lesson .essayungraded

      { background-color: #f2dede; }

      .path-mod-lesson .essaysent

      { background-color: #dff0d8; }


            Geshoski Mihail Geshoski
            adamann2 Ann Adamcik
            Adrian Greeve Adrian Greeve
            Damyon Wiese Damyon Wiese
            Rayna Mae Jayco Rayna Mae Jayco
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            5 Start watching this issue


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