The Quiz Grades report has inconsistent students logic depending on if you are filtering by a group or not. If you are reporting without a group you get all students ever enrolled but if you filter on a group you get only currently enrolled students.
From mod/quiz/report/attemptsreport.php in get_students_joins are these lines.
$studentsjoins = get_enrolled_with_capabilities_join($this->context);
// We have a currently selected group.
$groupstudentsjoins = get_enrolled_with_capabilities_join($this->context, '',
array('mod/quiz:attempt', 'mod/quiz:reviewmyattempts'), $currentgroup);
This change came from MDL-27072. Before that both cases used the capabilities so you only reported on currently enrolled students. I did not see in the discussion of MDL-27072 where this was done intentionally.
I think this is a bug and both cases should use the same logic for selecting students. I would favor adding the capabilities back to the first case as that returns the logic from before MDL-27072. Once I know which should be correct I can supply a patch.
Note for this problem to show you need an uneroll action of Disable and remove roles rather than Unenroll from course.