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  1. Moodle
  2. MDL-60646

Warning: Missing argument 2 for core_renderer::pix_icon(), called in /user/portfolio.php


    • MDL-60646-master
    • Hide
      1. Go to Site administration / Advanced features and enable portfolios. Save the changes.
      2. Go to Site administration / Plugins / Manage portfolios and make the "File download" portfolio plugin enabled and visible.
      3. Edit lib/portfolio/plugin.php and make portfolio_plugin_base::has_user_config() return true. Save the file.
      1. Open your user preferences page. (User menu > Preferences)
      2. Click "Configure" under the "Portfolios" section.
      3. Check the "Show / hide" column.
        • Confirm that you see a configure icon (gear) and a hide icon (eye).
      4. Hover your mouse over the configure icon.
        • Confirm that you see the alt-text "Configure" when you hover over the configure icon.
      5. With the File download portfolio enabled and visible, hover your mouse over the show/hide icon.
        • Confirm that you see the alt-text "Hide" when you hover over the show/hide icon.
      6. Toggle the show/hide icon to hide the File download portfolio.
        • Confirm that the icon changes to an eye icon with a slash.
      7. Then hover your mouse over the show/hide icon.
        • Confirm that you see the alt-text "Show" when you hover over the show/hide icon.

      Note: Make sure to revert your changes to lib/portfolio/plugin.php after the test.

      Setup Go to Site administration / Advanced features and enable portfolios. Save the changes. Go to Site administration / Plugins / Manage portfolios and make the "File download" portfolio plugin enabled and visible. Edit lib/portfolio/plugin.php and make portfolio_plugin_base::has_user_config() return true. Save the file. Test Open your user preferences page. (User menu > Preferences) Click " Configure " under the " Portfolios " section. Check the "Show / hide" column. Confirm that you see a configure icon (gear) and a hide icon (eye). Hover your mouse over the configure icon. Confirm that you see the alt-text "Configure" when you hover over the configure icon. With the File download portfolio enabled and visible, hover your mouse over the show/hide icon. Confirm that you see the alt-text "Hide" when you hover over the show/hide icon. Toggle the show/hide icon to hide the File download portfolio. Confirm that the icon changes to an eye icon with a slash. Then hover your mouse over the show/hide icon. Confirm that you see the alt-text "Show" when you hover over the show/hide icon. Note: Make sure to revert your changes to lib/portfolio/plugin.php after the test.


      1. Debug  Developer must be ON
      2. Login to site and go to Dashboard ►Preferences ►Portfolios ►Configure (/user/portfolio.php)
      3. You see:
        Warning: Missing argument 2 for core_renderer::pix_icon(), called in /user/portfolio.php on line 122 and defined in /lib/outputrenderers.php on line 2072
        Notice: Undefined variable: alt in /lib/outputrenderers.php on line 2073

      Line 122 in /user/portfolio.php must be like this:

      {{$OUTPUT->pix_icon('t/' . (($visible) ? 'hide' : 'show'), get_string($visible ? 'hide' : 'show')) . '</a><br />' }}

      Moodle 3.3.2+ (Build: 20171027)

        1. 0001-zavlab.patch
          1.0 kB
        2. portfolio.png
          40 kB
        3. image-2018-01-18-14-34-52-428.png
          76 kB
        4. 3.png
          42 kB
        5. 4.png
          42 kB
        6. 1.PNG
          45 kB
        7. 2.png
          43 kB

            jpataleta Jun Pataleta
            zavlab Vadim Tabunshchik
            Shamim Rezaie Shamim Rezaie
            David Monllaó David Monllaó
            Janelle Barcega Janelle Barcega
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue


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