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  1. Moodle
  2. MDL-60858

Visibility improvement for "Answer the questions ..." link on Feedback module


    • Icon: Improvement Improvement
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • 3.5
    • 3.1.9, 3.2.6, 3.3.3, 3.4, 3.5
    • Feedback
    • MDL-60858-master
    • Hide

      Please test on both Clean and Boost themes

      1. Go into a course as an editing teacher or site administrator.
      2. Create a Feedback instance with some questions over multiple pages.
      3. Go into the course as a student.
      4. Click the Feedback name on the course.
      5. CONFIRM that the "Answer the questions" link is styled like a button
      6. CONFIRM that the "Answer the questions" text doesn't have trailing ellipsis
      7. Click "Answer the questions" button.
      8. Answer some of the questions and then navigate away from the feedback module before completing it
      9. Return to the feedback module
      10. CONFIRM the the "Continue answering the questions" link is styled like a button
      11. CONFIRM that the "Continue answering the questions" text doesn't have trailing ellipsis
      Please test on both Clean and Boost themes Go into a course as an editing teacher or site administrator. Create a Feedback instance with some questions over multiple pages. Go into the course as a student. Click the Feedback name on the course. CONFIRM that the "Answer the questions" link is styled like a button CONFIRM that the "Answer the questions" text doesn't have trailing ellipsis Click "Answer the questions" button. Answer some of the questions and then navigate away from the feedback module before completing it Return to the feedback module CONFIRM the the "Continue answering the questions" link is styled like a button CONFIRM that the "Continue answering the questions" text doesn't have trailing ellipsis

      Now we have a navigation link (e.g. "Quiz 002" on attachment: before.png) under "Answer the questions..." link.
      And sometime it's not easy to find the right link to click for answering questions.

      So I'd like to suggest to use the "Answer the questions ..." button instead of "Answer the questions ..." link to improve the visibility (attachment: after.png).

      Please refer to the lines below to modify Feedback module code.

      File to edit:
      [ Before ]
              } else {
                  $label = get_string('complete_the_form', 'feedback');
              echo html_writer::div(html_writer::link($completeurl, $label), 'complete-feedback');
          } else {
              // Feedback was already submitted.
              echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('this_feedback_is_already_submitted', 'feedback'));
              $OUTPUT->continue_button(course_get_url($courseid ?: $course->id));
      [ After ]
              } else {
                  $label = get_string('complete_the_form', 'feedback');
      //        echo html_writer::div(html_writer::link($completeurl, $label), 'complete-feedback');
      //        echo $OUTPUT->single_button($completeurl, get_string('complete_the_form', 'feedback'));
      // Fixed by Ryan's suggestion.
              echo html_writer::div(html_writer::link($completeurl, $label, array('class' => 'btn btn-default')), 'complete-feedback');
          } else {
              // Feedback was already submitted.
              echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('this_feedback_is_already_submitted', 'feedback'));
              $OUTPUT->continue_button(course_get_url($courseid ?: $course->id));

        1. after.png
          76 kB
          Mitsuhiro Yoshida
        2. before.png
          71 kB
          Mitsuhiro Yoshida
        3. custom css.png
          56 kB
          Mitsuhiro Yoshida
        4. Step 10 and 11- Confirmed.PNG
          37 kB
          Rayna Mae Jayco
        5. Step 5 and 6 - Confirmed.PNG
          37 kB
          Rayna Mae Jayco
        6. view.php.diff
          0.2 kB
          Mitsuhiro Yoshida

            mits Mitsuhiro Yoshida
            mits Mitsuhiro Yoshida
            Ryan Wyllie Ryan Wyllie
            David Monllaó David Monllaó
            Rayna Mae Jayco Rayna Mae Jayco
            2 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue


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