Resolution: Inactive
- When using Moodle XML format I can export questions with all site, category, course and user level tags that are available to me.
- I can import questions using Moodle XML format and their associated site, category, course and user level tags will be imported
- A file imported without course question tags should still import successfully
- has a non-specific relationship to
MDL-38870 Questions duplicated during import/restores
- Closed
MDL-22101 Ordering of category hierarchy not preserved in MoodleXML export/import
- Closed
MDL-38829 Unable to import xml question files over 10000KB
- Closed
MDL-51509 Exporting questions in xml and importing back create unwanted categories.
- Closed
MDL-21886 Question bank import file type list, put MoodleXML and GIFT at top
- Open
MDL-41579 Bulk Export and Import Question Banks in a given course
- Open
MDL-20153 Exporting/importing several question categories at once
- Reopened
MDL-23545 Moodle XML import/export doesn't save category description
- Closed
- will be (partly) resolved by
MDL-61410 Add support for course level tags when importing and exporting question
- Closed