Resolution: Done
Project size: small/medium
Audience: all
Target users: all
Bring back functionality of hiding an re-arranging courses manually.
Improve the overview block in coping with a huge number of courses.
User Stories
As a teacher, I should be able to rearrange courses.
As a teacher, I should be able to mark courses I don't want to see as 'hidden'.
As a teacher, I should be able to use pagination without lags.
As a student, I should be able to rearrange courses.
As a student, I should be able to mark courses I don't want to see as 'hidden'.
As a student, I should be able to use pagination without lags.
Tracker issues
https://tracker.moodle.org/browse/MDL-60266 Dashboard does not have hard-limit for number of courses - Performance issue
https://tracker.moodle.org/browse/MDL-47096 Add "eye" hide/show icon for each course on Moodle home page
https://tracker.moodle.org/browse/MDL-11613 Build a better "My Courses" block - let student organise and hide courses
https://tracker.moodle.org/browse/MDL-58203 Allow a per user ordering of the courses in the myoverview dashboard
For pagination, the course overview block loads all courses there are and only then applies pagination to them. This is time-consuming and leads to waiting time when loading.
See previous Moodle versions…
Sorting courses in Dashboard – Proposal of the solution to be implemented
Re-Arranging courses as draggable elements
Course cards can be re-arranged again like in previous version. Within the “edit” mode crosshairs appear, and cards become draggable like in course-editing mode.
- resolving the implemented pagination.
- making elements draggable again like in previous versions.
- each position has to be saved specifically. One position can only be owned by one course / card.
- course with visibility→hide (with you as teacher) are distinguishably recognizable as hidden (hidden because of visibility→hide set or course category visibility→hide set).
- the positioning in that order is then taken up by the courses section in the "My courses" menu part.