I just tested and this bug doesn't seem to be fixed in
- Moodle 3.3.4 (Build: 20180115)
- Moodle 3.4.1 (Build: 20180115)
- Moodle 3.5dev (Build: 20180228)
From my earlier the issue;
1. Create a new lesson-activity with:
- 2 question pages f.ex. multichoice question pages
- correct answer with 'jump to' 'next page' and wrong answers with 'jump to' "this page"
- create a third page with "lesson end" -jump.
2. In Lesson-activitys settings:
- Under "Flow control" set "maximum number of attempts" to 3
- Set "Provide option to try a question again" to "yes"
- "Action after correct answerAdvanced element"normal follow lesson path"
3. Log in as a student
4. Answer the first question wrong, you will be directed to continue.php which tells you "you have answered incorrectly. Would you like to attempt the question again?" and buttons
- Yes, I'd like to try again -button
- No, I just want to go on to the next question -button
and the bug is that when you press "No, I just want to go on to the next question -button" instead of taking you to the second page it takes you back to the first page.
Please see attached video lessonbug.mp4