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  1. Moodle
  2. MDL-61994

Implement providers for mod_glossary


    • MDL-61994-master
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      1. Log in as admin
      2. Create a course or use an existing one.
      3. Enrol 3 users, 2 as students (s1, s2) and one as teacher (t1).
      4. Create a glossary activity with the following settings:
        • Expand Entries section, and select Yes on Allow comments on entries field.
        • Expand Ratings section, and select Average of ratings on Aggregate type field.
      5. Save changes.
      6. Log in as s1, go to glossary and click Add a new entry.
      7. Fill the form with the following data:
        • Concept: s1 entry 1
        • Definition: s1 entry 1
        • Attachment: (add any image as attachment)
        • Tags: s1tag1 (don't forget to press enter after typing the tag)
      8. Save.
      9. Add a comment on the entry you just created.
      10. Log in as s2, go to glossary and click Add a new entry.
      11. Fill the form with the following data:
        • Concept: s2 entry 1
        • Definition: Click on the image icon of the text editor and add an image.
        • Attachment: (don't add anything here)
        • Tags: s2tag1 (don't forget to press enter after typing the tag)
      12. Save.
      13. Add a comment on the entry you just created.
      14. Add a comment on the s1 entry as well.
      15. Log in as t1, go to glossary and click Add a new entry.
      16. Fill the form with the following data:
        • Concept: t1 entry 1
        • Definition: t1 entry 1
      17. Save.
      18. Add a comment on the s2 entry as well.
      19. Add a rating on s1 entry (average of ratings field).
      20. Download https://gist.github.com/andrewnicols/8c613c803d81ddd9c8d44ca8a80c8ffe and put it in your wwwroot as testexport.php
      Test 1
      1. Edit testexport.php and change the userid in get_user() to the id of the s1.
      2. Run php testexport.php.
      3. Go to moodledata/temp/privacy folder and click on the folder generated (hash) and find the course and glossary folders you have created.
        • Make sure a data.json containg the entries has been created.
        • Make sure Entries folder has been created, click on that folder.
        • It should contain a folder s1 entry 1, click on that folder.
        • It should have _files folder that contains that image you have added as attachment.
        • It should have a tags.json containing the tag you added s1tag1
        • It should have a Comments folder containing a data.json file which contains s1 comment and also the comment s2 user wrote on s1 entry.
        • It should have a rating.json file, containing the rating of t1 on s1 entry.
      Test 2
      1. Edit testexport.php and change the userid in get_user() to the id of the s2.
      2. Run php testexport.php.
      3. Go to moodledata/temp/privacy folder and click on the folder generated (hash) and find the course and glossary folders you have created.
        • Make sure a data.json containg the entries has been created.
        • Make sure Entries folder has been created, click on that folder.
        • It should contain two folders: s1 entry 1 and s2 entry 1.
        • Click on s1 entry 1 folder, it should have only one folder containing the comment s2 wrote on s1 entry.
        • Now go back and open s2 entry 1 folder.
        • It should have _files folder that contains that image you have added as entry.
        • It should have a tags.json containing the tag you added s2tag1
        • It should have a Comments folder containing a data.json file which contains s2 comments and t1 comment on s2 entry
        • It should NOT have a rating.json file.
      Test 3
      1. Edit testexport.php and change the userid in get_user() to the id of the 11.
      2. Run php testexport.php.
      3. Go to moodledata/temp/privacy folder and click on the folder generated (hash) and find the course and glossary folders you have created.
        • Make sure a data.json containg the entries has been created.
        • Make sure Entries folder has been created, click on that folder.
        • It should contain two folders: s1 entry 1, s2 entry 1.
        • Click on s1 entry 1 folder, it should have only rating.json containing the t1 rating for s1 post.
        • Go to s2 entry 1 folder, it should have only Comment folder containing a json file containing the t1 comment on s2 entry.
      Setup Log in as admin Create a course or use an existing one. Enrol 3 users, 2 as students (s1, s2) and one as teacher (t1). Create a glossary activity with the following settings: Expand Entries section, and select Yes on Allow comments on entries field. Expand Ratings section, and select Average of ratings on Aggregate type field. Save changes. Log in as s1, go to glossary and click Add a new entry . Fill the form with the following data: Concept : s1 entry 1 Definition : s1 entry 1 Attachment : (add any image as attachment) Tags : s1tag1 (don't forget to press enter after typing the tag) Save. Add a comment on the entry you just created. Log in as s2, go to glossary and click Add a new entry . Fill the form with the following data: Concept : s2 entry 1 Definition : Click on the image icon of the text editor and add an image. Attachment : (don't add anything here) Tags : s2tag1 (don't forget to press enter after typing the tag) Save. Add a comment on the entry you just created. Add a comment on the s1 entry as well. Log in as t1, go to glossary and click Add a new entry . Fill the form with the following data: Concept : t1 entry 1 Definition : t1 entry 1 Save. Add a comment on the s2 entry as well. Add a rating on s1 entry (average of ratings field). Download https://gist.github.com/andrewnicols/8c613c803d81ddd9c8d44ca8a80c8ffe and put it in your wwwroot as testexport.php Test 1 Edit testexport.php and change the userid in get_user() to the id of the s1. Run php testexport.php. Go to moodledata/temp/privacy folder and click on the folder generated (hash) and find the course and glossary folders you have created. Make sure a data.json containg the entries has been created. Make sure Entries folder has been created, click on that folder. It should contain a folder s1 entry 1 , click on that folder. It should have _files folder that contains that image you have added as attachment. It should have a tags.json containing the tag you added s1tag1 It should have a Comments folder containing a data.json file which contains s1 comment and also the comment s2 user wrote on s1 entry. It should have a rating.json file, containing the rating of t1 on s1 entry. Test 2 Edit testexport.php and change the userid in get_user() to the id of the s2. Run php testexport.php. Go to moodledata/temp/privacy folder and click on the folder generated (hash) and find the course and glossary folders you have created. Make sure a data.json containg the entries has been created. Make sure Entries folder has been created, click on that folder. It should contain two folders: s1 entry 1 and s2 entry 1 . Click on s1 entry 1 folder, it should have only one folder containing the comment s2 wrote on s1 entry. Now go back and open s2 entry 1 folder. It should have _files folder that contains that image you have added as entry . It should have a tags.json containing the tag you added s2tag1 It should have a Comments folder containing a data.json file which contains s2 comments and t1 comment on s2 entry It should NOT have a rating.json file. Test 3 Edit testexport.php and change the userid in get_user() to the id of the 11. Run php testexport.php. Go to moodledata/temp/privacy folder and click on the folder generated (hash) and find the course and glossary folders you have created. Make sure a data.json containg the entries has been created. Make sure Entries folder has been created, click on that folder. It should contain two folders: s1 entry 1 , s2 entry 1 . Click on s1 entry 1 folder, it should have only rating.json containing the t1 rating for s1 post. Go to s2 entry 1 folder, it should have only Comment folder containing a json file containing the t1 comment on s2 entry.

      Attempt to write mod_glossary providers for the in-progress SAR API.

        1. MDL-61994.xlsx
          11.99 MB
          Anna Carissa Sadia

            lameze Simey Lameze
            lameze Simey Lameze
            Adrian Greeve Adrian Greeve
            David Monllaó David Monllaó
            Anna Carissa Sadia Anna Carissa Sadia
            1 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue


                Original Estimate - 0 minutes
                Remaining Estimate - 0 minutes
                Time Spent - 3 hours

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