Automatic testing can be achieved by executing the attached scripts (see Privacy API/Utilities doc ]). Make sure you've purged the caches (php admin/cli/purge_caches.php), before running the scripts.
Check that auth_mnet plugin is compliant: testwithmanager.php
Assign user to be tested inside the script (for instance, 84):
$user = \core_user::get_user(84);
Run script:
php testscriptwithmanager.php auth
Running testscriptwithmanager.php , if mnet_log table is empty or not have records associated to the user, you should receive a script output like:
Testing the compliant plugins:
== auth_mnet (auth_mnet\privacy\provider) ==
Found 4 items of metadata
Nothing to export.
After inserting some records in table mnet_log with the userid to be tested, you should get:
Testing the compliant plugins:
== auth_mnet (auth_mnet\privacy\provider) ==
Found 4 items of metadata
Successfully ran a test export
Example records for testing (change table name and userid value). Note that mnet_log.hostid must match
INSERT INTO mnet_host (id, deleted, wwwroot, ip_address, name , public_key, public_key_expires, transport, portno, last_connect_time, last_log_id, force_theme, theme, applicationid, sslverification) VALUES (3, 0, 'https://34.moodle.test' , '' , 'Moodle Test A' , '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----' , 1527854427, 0, 0, 1525439658, 0, 0, NULL , 1, 0);
INSERT INTO mnet_host (id, deleted, wwwroot, ip_address, name , public_key, public_key_expires, transport, portno, last_connect_time, last_log_id, force_theme, theme, applicationid, sslverification) VALUES (5, 0, 'https://33.moodle.test' , '' , 'Moodle Test B' , '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----' , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL , 1, 0);
INSERT INTO mnet_log (hostid, remoteid, "time" , userid, ip, course, coursename, module, cmid, action , url, info) VALUES (3, 8, 0, 84, '' , 2, 'course test 2' , 'forum' , 23, 'view' , '' , '' );
INSERT INTO mnet_log (hostid, remoteid, "time" , userid, ip, course, coursename, module, cmid, action , url, info) VALUES (5, 4, 0, 84, '' , 3, 'course test 3' , 'assign' , 5, 'view' , '' , '' );
INSERT INTO mnet_log (hostid, remoteid, "time" , userid, ip, course, coursename, module, cmid, action , url, info) VALUES (5, 4, 0, 84, '' , 3, 'course test 3' , '' , 0, '' , '' , '' );
INSERT INTO mnet_log (hostid, remoteid, "time" , userid, ip, course, coursename, module, cmid, action , url, info) VALUES (5, 4, 0, 84, '' , 3, 'course test 3' , '' , 0, '' , '' , '' );
INSERT INTO mnet_log (hostid, remoteid, "time" , userid, ip, course, coursename, module, cmid, action , url, info) VALUES (5, 4, 0, 84, '' , 4, 'course test 4' , '' , 0, '' , '' , '' );
INSERT INTO mnet_log (hostid, remoteid, "time" , userid, ip, course, coursename, module, cmid, action , url, info) VALUES (5, 4, 0, 84, '' , 5, 'course test 5' , '' , 0, '' , '' , '' );
Check data exported: testexport.php
Run the script using the userid being tested:
php testexport.php --userid=84
You should get a similar output:
Processing export for Adéla Němcová
== File was successfully exported to /path/to/moodledata/masterdata/localcache/70dd06d4-5d6e-47ad-a0d3-bb22d7d386f2/df10ffbb-0e63-452e-9d61-00b86b8a23f3/
== File export was uncompressed to /path/to/moodledata/masterdata/temp/privacy/7134f7d9-806e-4a02-9f7d-d02ad5060dcc
Check that the content of the file
/path/to/moodledata/masterdata/temp/privacy/7134f7d9-806e-4a02-9f7d-d02ad5060dcc/System/User\ Adéla\ Němcová/MNet\ authentication/hostname/coursename/data.json
matches with the records in table mnet_log for the user being tested.