Enable Badges at site level and course level
Go to Site Administration > Advanced Features > Enable badges
Go to Site Administration > Badges > Badges settings > Enable course badges
Create a course and choose Separate groups as Group mode
Create a Badge in the Course using the following settings:
Badge details (mandatory fields don’t have specific impact on this test)
Select > Manual issue by role
Check Non-editing teacher and T eacher
This criterion is complete when > Any of the selected roles awards the badge
Click Save
Click to Enable access > Continue
Create some users into the site, like person1 (2, 3, 4…) with one or two to be a teacher. Enrol them as student or non-editing teacher accordingly on the course.
Create some groups manually or automatically and add the users created
Auto-create groups
Use naming scheme as default Group @
Change Auto create based on Members per group
On Group/member count : choose 2 or 3 depending on the numbers of users created
Select members with role: Student
On Grouping , create a new grouping with the name School1 . Click Submit .
Add the non-editing teacher to more than one of those groups.
Create some more users, like user1 (2, 3, 4…) in order to distinguish them easily when groups are setup, with one or two to be a teacher. Enrol them as a student or non-editing teacher accordingly on the course.
Auto-create some more groups but with a Naming scheme like Group # and a New grouping with a different name like School2 .
Add the new non-editing teacher to one or more of these groups.
Create another user like teacher1 , enrol him as teacher and add him to one of the groups created.
Testing scenario 1 (Separate groups)
Login and access as non-editing teacher to the course, e.g. person1 ;
Under Course Administration , select Manage badges ;
On the available badge, click the award badge icon ;
Select the role you would like to use to award this badge;
Check that below Badge recipients , there is a Separate groups label and a dropdown menu matching the groups you were added to.
Check that the list of Potential badge recipients only displays the users belonging the group selected by default, e.g. person2, 3… and not user1, 2…
Check that when changing the group selected, the list of Potential badge recipients updates according to the selection made, i.e., containing only the members of that group .
Select one user and click Award badge . Check that the list of Existing badge recipients is updated with the user selected and displaying only the users belonging to your group .
Login and access as teacher to the course, e.g. teacher1 ;
Go to Manage badges and click the award badge icon ;
Select the role you would like to use to award this badge;
Check that below Badge recipients , there is a Separate groups label and a dropdown menu with different options, such as:
All participants
My groups (should match the ones you belong to)
Other groups (the remaining groups of the current course)
Check that when changing the group selected, both lists of Potential badge recipients and Existing badge recipients are updated according to the selection made, i.e., containing only the members of that group .
Login and access as admin to the course;
Go to Manage badges and click the award badge icon ;
Select the role you would like to use to award this badge;
Check that below Badge recipients , there is a Separate groups label and a dropdown menu with an option to select All participants and options for all the groups of the current course.
Check that when changing the group selected, both lists of Potential badge recipients and Existing badge recipients are updated according to the selection made, i.e., containing only the members of that group .
Note: if you select the non-editing teacher role, then you should see the Existing badge recipients box with the user awarded on the previous scenario , when selecting his group.
Testing scenario 1.1 (Separate groups - with one group)
As admin, change the setup under Course Administration > Users > Groups
Leave the non-editing teacher user belonging to just one group of the course.
Login and access as non-editing teacher to the course, e.g. person1 ;
Under Course Administration , select Manage badges ;
On the available badge, click the award badge icon ;
Select the role you would like to use to award this badge;
Check that below Badge recipients , there are two labels, one for Separate groups and another for the group you belong to.
Check that both lists of Potential badge recipients and Existing badge recipients contain only the members of that group.
Testing scenario 1.2 (Separate groups - without groups)
As admin, change the setup under Course Administration > Users > Groups
Remove the non-editing teacher user from all the groups of the course.
Login and access as non-editing teacher to the course, e.g. person1 ;
Under Course Administration , select Manage badges ;
On the available badge, click the award badge icon ;
Check that you see the following message: Sorry, but you need to be part of a group to see this page.
Testing scenario 2 (Visible groups)
As admin, change the setup under Course Administration > Edit settings to Visible groups ;
Login and access as non-editing teacher to the course, e.g. person1 ;
Under Course Administration , select Manage badges ;
On the available badge, click the award badge icon ;
Select the role you would like to use to award this badge;
Check that below Badge recipients , there is a Visible groups label and a dropdown menu with different options, such as:
All participants
My groups (should match the ones you belong to)
Other groups (the remaining groups of the current course)
Check that the list of Potential badge recipients only displays the users belonging the group selected by default, e.g. person2, 3… and not user1, 2…
Check that when changing the group selected, the list of Potential badge recipients updates according to the selection made, i.e., containing only the members of that group .
Select one user and click Award badge . The list of Existing badge recipients should be updated with the user selected and displaying only the users belonging to that group .
When logging as teacher or admin , the results should be the same.
Testing scenario 3 (No groups)
As admin, change the setup under Course Administration > Edit settings to No groups ;
Login and access as non-editing teacher to the course, e.g. person1 ;
Under Course Administration , select Manage badges ;
On the available badge, click the award badge icon ;
Check that below Badge recipients there is nothing besides the Existing badge recipients box.
Check that the list of Potential badge recipients displays all the users of the course, e.g. person2, 3… and user1, 2… if they don't have that badge already;
Select one user and click Award badge . The list of Existing badge recipients should be updated with the user selected and the rest of the users who got that badge already .
When logging as teacher or admin , the results should be the same.