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  1. Moodle
  2. MDL-63044

Split the Course Overview Block into two separate blocks; Timeline and Courses


    • dashboard-split-overview-block
    • Hide

      Boost and Clean themes

      Please test the following tests on both the Boost and Clean themes (all tests up until the “Boost only” section).
      Please also test these on each of the supported browsers.


      Users and enrolments

      1. Log in as admin
      2. Create 5 courses, c1, c2, c3, c4, and c5
        1. c1: start date in the past, end date in the future
        2. c2: start date in the past, end date in the future
        3. c3: start date in the past, end date in the future
        4. c4: start date in the past, end date in the past
        5. c5: start date in the future, end date in the future
      3. Create 3 users, s1, s2, and s3
        1. Enrol s1 as a student in all 5 courses
        2. Enrol s2 as a student in c3, c4, and c5
        3. Enrol s3 as a student in c2

      Course: c1

      1. Create an assignment activity:
        • Name: c1 assign overdue
        • Due date: yesterday
      2. Create an assignment activity:
        • Name: c1 assign 7 days
        • Due date: tomorrow
      3. Create an assignment activity:
        • Name: c1 assign 30 days
        • Due date: some date between 7 days from now and 30 days from now
      4. Create an assignment activity:
        • Name: c1 assign 3 months
        • Due date: some date between 30 days from now and 3 months from now
      5. Create an assignment activity:
        • Name: c1 assign 6 months
        • Due date: some date between 3 months from now and 6 months from now
      6. Create an assignment activity:
        • Name: c1 assign all
        • Due date: some date after 6 months from now

      Course: c2

      1. Create 6 assignment activities all due 1 year from now on the same day


      Timeline by dates

      1. Log in as s1
        1. CONFIRM you see “c1 assign 7 days” and “c1 assign 30 days” activities
      2. Change the time filter to “Next 7 days”
        1. CONFRM you only see “c1 assign 7 days”
      3. Change the time filter to “Next 3 months”
        1. CONFIRM you see “c1 assign 7 days”, “c1 assign 30 days”, and “c1 assign 3 months”
      4. Change the time filter to “Next 6 months”
        1. CONFIRM you see “c1 assign 7 days”, “c1 assign 30 days”, “c1 assign 3 months”, and “c1 assign 6 months”
      5. Change the time filter to “Overdue”
        1. CONFRM you only see “c1 assign overdue”
      6. Change the time filter to “All”
        1. CONFIRM that you see all of the activities for c1 and c2 on multiple pages (clicking the next/previous arrows)
      7. Change the “show 5” filter to 25
        1. CONFIRM that you see all of the activities on a single page
      1. Log in as s2
        1. CONFIRM that the timeline block says “No upcoming activities due”

      Timeline by courses

      1. Log in as s1
      2. Change the timeline block view filter to “Sort by courses”
        1. CONFIRM that you see courses c1 and c2
        2. CONFIRM that you see “c1 assign 7 days” and “c1 assign 30 days” in the c1 section
        3. CONFIRM that you see “No upcoming activities” in the c2 section
      3. Click the “More courses” button
        1. CONFIRM that 1 more course is loaded, c3 (it only loads in progress courses).
      4. Repeat the tests from “Timeline by dates” but stay in the “Sort by courses” view
        • The results should be the same except that the activities should be display under the correct course heading

      Overview block

      1. Log in as s1
        1. CONFIRM that you see course c1, c2, and c3 in the Course overview block
      2. Change the “In progress” dropdown to “past”
        1. CONFIRM that you see course c4
      3. Change the dropdown to “future”
        1. CONFIRM that you see c5.


      1. Log in as s3
      2. Go to the user profile
      3. Edit the profile
      4. Change the Timezone to “Australia/Perth”
      5. Update the profile
      6. View the dashboard
      7. Change the time filter to “All” to see the activities for c2
      8. Note down the due date and time
      9. View one of the assign activities
        1. CONFIRM that the due date and time from the timeline block matches what is shown in the assign activity
      10. Log in as s1
      11. View the c2 activities in the timeline
        1. CONFIRM that the due date and time is different from user s3 (because they are in different time zones)


      1. Log in as admin
      2. Go to course c4
      3. Add a quiz activity
      4. View the question bank
      5. Create 5 questions in the “default for c4” question category
      6. Edit the quiz
      7. Add a random question
        1. CONFIRM that a modal shows up with the 5 questions you created showing in a paged content area with only one page
      8. Click the cancel button
      9. Add another question to the question bank in the same category
      10. Go back to the “add a random question” modal
        1. CONFIRM that the paged content area now has two pages and you can navigate between them

      Screen reader

      1. Repeat some of the testing from “Timeline by dates” and “Timeline by courses” using a screen reader (JAWS is the Moodle supported one)
        • You don’t need to complete every test step by step it’s more about focussing on the screen reader experience making sure it is giving you relevant information when navigating around the timeline block.
        • You only need to check the timeline block

      RTL testing

      1. Log in as admin
      2. Install an RTL language pack such as Arabic (ar)
        • Site administration > language > language packs
      3. Repeat some of the testing from “Timeline by dates” and “Timeline by courses” with the RTL language enabled
        • You don’t need to complete each step fully, it’s just about making sure that the layout looks ok in RTL mode.

      Boost only

      New install

      1. Install a fresh version of Moodle
      2. Log in as admin (or another user)
        1. CONFIRM that the timeline block shows up on the user’s dashboard by default


      1. Create a Moodle install without this patch applied
      2. Create 3 users: s1, s2, and s3
        1. Log in as s1 and view the dashboard
        2. Log in as s2 and delete the course overview block from the dashboard
        3. Don't log in as s3 yet
      3. Apply this patch
      4. Update Moodle
      5. Log in as s1
        1. CONFIRM that the timeline block shows up on the user’s dashboard
      6. Log in as s2
        1. CONFIRM that the timeline block does not show on the dashboard
      7. Log in as s3
        1. CONFIRM that the timeline block shows up on the user’s dashboard
      Boost and Clean themes Please test the following tests on both the Boost and Clean themes (all tests up until the “Boost only” section). Please also test these on each of the supported browsers . Setup Users and enrolments Log in as admin Create 5 courses, c1, c2, c3, c4, and c5 c1: start date in the past, end date in the future c2: start date in the past, end date in the future c3: start date in the past, end date in the future c4: start date in the past, end date in the past c5: start date in the future, end date in the future Create 3 users, s1, s2, and s3 Enrol s1 as a student in all 5 courses Enrol s2 as a student in c3, c4, and c5 Enrol s3 as a student in c2 Course: c1 Create an assignment activity: Name: c1 assign overdue Due date: yesterday Create an assignment activity: Name: c1 assign 7 days Due date: tomorrow Create an assignment activity: Name: c1 assign 30 days Due date: some date between 7 days from now and 30 days from now Create an assignment activity: Name: c1 assign 3 months Due date: some date between 30 days from now and 3 months from now Create an assignment activity: Name: c1 assign 6 months Due date: some date between 3 months from now and 6 months from now Create an assignment activity: Name: c1 assign all Due date: some date after 6 months from now Course: c2 Create 6 assignment activities all due 1 year from now on the same day Tests Timeline by dates Log in as s1 CONFIRM you see “c1 assign 7 days” and “c1 assign 30 days” activities Change the time filter to “Next 7 days” CONFRM you only see “c1 assign 7 days” Change the time filter to “Next 3 months” CONFIRM you see “c1 assign 7 days”, “c1 assign 30 days”, and “c1 assign 3 months” Change the time filter to “Next 6 months” CONFIRM you see “c1 assign 7 days”, “c1 assign 30 days”, “c1 assign 3 months”, and “c1 assign 6 months” Change the time filter to “Overdue” CONFRM you only see “c1 assign overdue” Change the time filter to “All” CONFIRM that you see all of the activities for c1 and c2 on multiple pages (clicking the next/previous arrows) Change the “show 5” filter to 25 CONFIRM that you see all of the activities on a single page Log in as s2 CONFIRM that the timeline block says “No upcoming activities due” Timeline by courses Log in as s1 Change the timeline block view filter to “Sort by courses” CONFIRM that you see courses c1 and c2 CONFIRM that you see “c1 assign 7 days” and “c1 assign 30 days” in the c1 section CONFIRM that you see “No upcoming activities” in the c2 section Click the “More courses” button CONFIRM that 1 more course is loaded, c3 (it only loads in progress courses). Repeat the tests from “Timeline by dates” but stay in the “Sort by courses” view The results should be the same except that the activities should be display under the correct course heading Overview block Log in as s1 CONFIRM that you see course c1, c2, and c3 in the Course overview block Change the “In progress” dropdown to “past” CONFIRM that you see course c4 Change the dropdown to “future” CONFIRM that you see c5. Timezone Log in as s3 Go to the user profile Edit the profile Change the Timezone to “Australia/Perth” Update the profile View the dashboard Change the time filter to “All” to see the activities for c2 Note down the due date and time View one of the assign activities CONFIRM that the due date and time from the timeline block matches what is shown in the assign activity Log in as s1 View the c2 activities in the timeline CONFIRM that the due date and time is different from user s3 (because they are in different time zones) Regression Log in as admin Go to course c4 Add a quiz activity View the question bank Create 5 questions in the “default for c4” question category Edit the quiz Add a random question CONFIRM that a modal shows up with the 5 questions you created showing in a paged content area with only one page Click the cancel button Add another question to the question bank in the same category Go back to the “add a random question” modal CONFIRM that the paged content area now has two pages and you can navigate between them Screen reader Repeat some of the testing from “Timeline by dates” and “Timeline by courses” using a screen reader (JAWS is the Moodle supported one) You don’t need to complete every test step by step it’s more about focussing on the screen reader experience making sure it is giving you relevant information when navigating around the timeline block. You only need to check the timeline block RTL testing Log in as admin Install an RTL language pack such as Arabic (ar) Site administration > language > language packs Repeat some of the testing from “Timeline by dates” and “Timeline by courses” with the RTL language enabled You don’t need to complete each step fully, it’s just about making sure that the layout looks ok in RTL mode. Boost only New install Install a fresh version of Moodle Log in as admin (or another user) CONFIRM that the timeline block shows up on the user’s dashboard by default Upgrade Create a Moodle install without this patch applied Create 3 users: s1, s2, and s3 Log in as s1 and view the dashboard Log in as s2 and delete the course overview block from the dashboard Don't log in as s3 yet Apply this patch Update Moodle Log in as s1 CONFIRM that the timeline block shows up on the user’s dashboard Log in as s2 CONFIRM that the timeline block does not show on the dashboard Log in as s3 CONFIRM that the timeline block shows up on the user’s dashboard

      Place the new Timeline block in the right side column in the dashboard

      The timeline block should be based on this prototype:

        1. 2018-11-06 , 15_33_02 - Dashboard - Mozilla Firefox_ver001.png
          86 kB
          Przemek Kaszubski
        2. 2018-11-07 , 23_11_43 - Dashboard - Mozilla Firefox.png
          121 kB
          Przemek Kaszubski
        3. 2018-11-08 , 00_06_46 - Dashboard - Mozilla Firefox.png
          85 kB
          Przemek Kaszubski
        4. 2018-11-09 , 19_15_27 - Dashboard - Mozilla Firefox (tryb prywatny).png
          58 kB
          Przemek Kaszubski
        5. 2018-11-10 , 00_40_57 - Dashboard - Mozilla Firefox (tryb prywatny).png
          19 kB
          Przemek Kaszubski
        6. 2018-11-10 , 02_31_20 - Dashboard - Google Chrome.png
          39 kB
          Przemek Kaszubski
        7. 2018-11-10 , 02_31_20 - Dashboard - Google Chrome.png
          34 kB
          Przemek Kaszubski
        8. image-2018-11-08-00-01-41-824.png
          73 kB
          Przemek Kaszubski
        9. split_blocks_1.png
          398 kB
          Ryan Wyllie
        10. split_blocks_2.png
          293 kB
          Ryan Wyllie

            ryanwyllie Ryan Wyllie
            acorado Alberto Corado (Inactive)
            David Monllaó David Monllaó
            Andrew Lyons Andrew Lyons
            Andrew Lyons Andrew Lyons
            0 Vote for this issue
            12 Start watching this issue


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