Resolution: Duplicate
We found what we believe is a bug in the fileconvert plugin .
If a students uploads two files eg. a text-file and a non-convertible file, the entire pdf-conversion will fail and no file will displayed at all.
Steps to reproduce:
- As teacher Create an assignment - submission type "File" and number of files allowed = 2
- As student upload the two attacehed files (one is a binary TI Nspire file and the other is a simple text file) in the assignet.
- As a teacher open the online grader for the assignment.
Result: A blank page is shown in the grader view.
Expected result: The txt file should be displayed in the grader viewer.
We have implemented at fix, which is able to skip the non-compatible files option and combine/concatenate compatible files to "PDF".
- duplicates
MDL-62467 PDF annotations file is fully blank if a submission contains a non-convertible file among other convertible files
- Closed