When creating a simple URL link resource in a section, if the appearance display is set to "Auto" the URL does not open when clicked on; but displays a second page containing the URL link.
This is sub-optimal because the best UX with simple, straightforward URLs is just to open them - either in the same windows/tab or in a new window/tab. Having to click again to open them is not helpful.
The reason why this happens is mainly because of the interaction between:
- /mod/url/locallib.php->url_get_final_display_type($url)
- /lib/resourcelib.php->resourcelib_guess_url_mimetype($fullurl)
where 2 determines the mime-type as "text/html" and 1 has "text/html" defined as a "download" type of URL, resulting in url_print_workaround being used - and this function displays the link on another page.