New Feature
Resolution: Fixed
3.4.5, 3.5.2
Currently, Moodle question export is geared to exporting a whole category of questions. There are times you just want to export one question (to share with another teacher, to report a bug) and it is a big hassle. You have to move things in the question bank, do the exprot, move things back.
However, the export back-end is capabile of writing out a single question. We should expose that in the UI. I am planning to add a link to the Preview question pop-up. I diecded it was not good to add yet another icon in the question list in the question bank for this. To my mind it seems fairly natural to open the question and look at it, which confirms it is the one you want, before downloading it.
The STACK question type has had this feature for some years, and it is extremely useful. Indeed, I have recently found myself hacking the URL to use the STACK code to export other questions, at which point I decided it was time to add this feature to core properly.