- Login as Admin
- Create a course.
- Enrol a Teacher and at least three students in the course.
- Login as a Teacher.
- Access to the "Gradebook setup" clicking over the Grades option in the Navigation menu and selection the "Setup" tab.
- Add four grade items with the following "Item name"s: "item1", "item2", "item3", "item4". Make sure the "Grade type" is set to "Value".
- Access to the "Edit calculation" form for the "Course total".
- Set the ID numbers for the items to "item1", "item2", "item3" and "item4".
- Enter in the Calculation text area one of the formulas you'll find at the end.
- Go to "Grader report" and "Turn editing on".
- Enter manually the following values for the item1, item2, item3 and item4:
- user1: 0 for all the items
- user2: 5 for all the items
- user3: 6 for all the items
- Save grades.
- Check whether the values of the formulas are 1 (true) or 0 (false) because of the defined conditions (for each formula is explained which is the expected result).
- Repeat the steps 9-13 for all the formulas
Formula: =if([[item1]]>5,1,0)
Expected values: user1 = 0, user2 = 0, user3 = 1
Formula: =if(and([[item1]]>5,[[item2]]>5),1,0)
Expected values: user1 = 0, user2 = 0, user3 = 1
Formula: =if(and([[item1]]>5,[[item2]]>5,[[item3]]>5,[[item4]]>5),1,0)
Expected values: user1 = 0, user2 = 0, user3 = 1
Formula: =if(and(sum([[item1]],[[item2]])>5,sum([[item3]],[[item4]])>5,1,0)
Expected values: user1 = 0, user2 = 1, user3 = 1
Formula: =if(or([[item1]]>5,[[item2]]>5),1,2)
Expected values: user1 = 2, user2 = 2, user3 = 1
Formula: =if(or([[item1]]>5,[[item2]]>5,[[item3]]>5,[[item4]]>5),1,0)
Expected values: user1 = 0, user2 = 0, user3 = 1
Formula: =if(or(sum([[item1]],[[item2]])>5,sum([[item3]],[[item4]])>5),1,2)
Expected values: user1 = 2, user2 = 1, user3 = 1
Formula: =if(and(or([[item1]]>5,[[item2]]>5),or([[item3]]>5,[[item4]]>5)),1,2)
Expected values: user1 = 2, user2 = 2, user3 = 1