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  1. Moodle
  2. MDL-64736

Consistent failure "Make the subfolders viewable inline on the course page"


      This is a followup of MDLSITE-5571 and MDL-64548, where we are applying for newer selenium versions that provide way better results with old firefox (non-marionette).

      Once using that combination... there is a consistent failure in the Firefox runs:

      Moodle 3.6.2+ (Build: 20190124), cb41802683c13365fc674d556c39cf47dce4454c
      Php: 7.1.26, pgsql: 9.6.7, OS: Linux 4.13.0-41-generic x86_64
      Server OS "Linux", Browser: "firefox"
      Started at 31-01-2019, 14:47
      --- Failed steps:
      001 Scenario: Make the subfolders viewable inline on the course page # /var/www/html/course/tests/behat/view_subfolders_inline.feature:47
            And I should not see "Test sub subfolder"                      # /var/www/html/course/tests/behat/view_subfolders_inline.feature:60
              "Test sub subfolder" text was found in the page
              +--[ http://run80c7b8cf4c97160b/behatrun1/course/view.php?id=105000#section-3 | MoodleSelenium2Driver ]
              |  <!DOCTYPE html>
              |  <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en" dir="ltr" class="yui3-js-enabled"><head>
              |      <title>Course: Course 1</title>
              |      <link href="http://run80c7b8cf4c97160b/behatrun1/theme/image.php/boost/theme/1548902148/favicon" rel="shortcut icon" />
              |      <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" />
              |  <meta content="moodle, Course: Course 1" name="keywords" />
              |  <link href="http://run80c7b8cf4c97160b/behatrun1/theme/yui_combo.php?rollup/3.17.2/yui-moodlesimple.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" /><script charset="utf-8" id="yui_3_17_2_1_1548917317145_8" src="http://run80c7b8cf4c97160b/behatrun1/theme/yui_combo.php?m/1548902148/core/event/event-debug.js&amp;m/1548902148/filter_mathjaxloader/loader/loader-debug.js" async=""></script><script charset="utf-8" id="yui_3_17_2_1_1548917317145_23" src="http://run80c7b8cf4c97160b/behatrun1/lib/javascript.php/1548902148/mod/folder/module.js" async=""></script><script charset="utf-8" id="y...
      2 scenarios (1 passed, 1 failed)
      50 steps (43 passed, 1 failed, 6 skipped)
      1m2.56s (65.48Mb)
      >>> stopsection <<<
      10. Section Running behat again for failed steps on process 2 
      Hide Details
      >>> startsection Running behat again for failed steps on process 2 <<<
      Moodle 3.6.2+ (Build: 20190124), cb41802683c13365fc674d556c39cf47dce4454c
      Php: 7.1.26, pgsql: 9.6.7, OS: Linux 4.13.0-41-generic x86_64
      Server OS "Linux", Browser: "firefox"
      Started at 31-01-2019, 14:49
      1 scenario (1 passed)
      8 steps (8 passed)
      0m14.85s (44.30Mb)

      This issue is about to try to fix it so we can be back to green in Firefox runs, yay!

            dobedobedoh Andrew Lyons
            stronk7 Eloy Lafuente (stronk7)
            Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) Eloy Lafuente (stronk7)
            Jun Pataleta Jun Pataleta
            CiBoT CiBoT
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue


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