New Feature
Resolution: Fixed
MDL-64783_master -
This issue is about creating a new static model (based on assumptions, not a predictive model) that looks for upcoming events and generates insights about them. These insights can be seen as reminders. MOOCs offered in platforms like coursera or edX have similar automatic-notification systems.
We should define when (approximately) these notifications will be executed. A new time splitting method would be required to define when insights will be generated.
We would also need a new target and a new indicator. The indicator should not be tied to this particular model as it should be reusable across different models (https://docs.moodle.org/dev/Analytics_API#Indicator_.28core_analytics.5Clocal.5Cindicator.5Cbase.29). I imagine that the required indicator would be something like "Activities due". This indicator would receive the starttime and endtime from the time splitting method and would pass it to core_calendar_external::get_calendar_action_events_by_timesort (MDL-60340 needs to be implemented before this issue)
The target is where the logic that is specific to this particular model should be implemented.
This will be the first model to target students directly. We have different options here:
- To generate a notification which URL forwards the user to a view where the upcoming activities are listed (e.g. The dashboard) The URL should not be a direct url to /my, but a link to report/insights/action.php which receives a $forwardurl param. This action.php script records the fact that users clicked on the notification before forwarding them to /my. This will be useful in future for reporting purposes.
- To generate the standard notification which URL forwards to the insights page. Apart from the two default actions ("Acknowledged" and "Not useful") we should include a "View" action that forwards the user to the page where the upcoming activities are listed.
- blocks
MDL-65177 Allow users to customise how often the upcoming activities due insights are generated
- Closed
MDL-65175 Specify a time-splitting method when evaluating a model using the web UI
- Closed
- has a non-specific relationship to
MDL-65085 Insights are send from an admin account, they should be using the noreply account
- Closed
MDL-72359 32 Bit PHP autoconverts analysable::MAX_TIME (9999999999) to double
- Closed
MDL-62523 Provide tools to manage and edit insights
- Closed
- has a QA test
MDLQA-19269 CLONE - An admin can create a new model for upcoming activities due
- Open
MDLQA-13506 CLONE - An admin can create a new model for upcoming activities due
- Passed
MDLQA-15374 CLONE - An admin can create a new model for upcoming activities due
- Passed
MDLQA-15963 CLONE - An admin can create a new model for upcoming activities due
- Passed
MDLQA-16607 CLONE - An admin can create a new model for upcoming activities due
- Passed
MDLQA-17223 CLONE - An admin can create a new model for upcoming activities due
- Passed
MDLQA-17810 CLONE - An admin can create a new model for upcoming activities due
- Passed
MDLQA-18314 CLONE - An admin can create a new model for upcoming activities due
- Passed
MDLQA-18806 CLONE - An admin can create a new model for upcoming activities due
- Passed
MDLQA-13505 An admin can create a new model for upcoming activities due
- On Hold
- has been marked as being related by
MDL-65202 filter_out_training_samples will not work well with time-splitting methods that generate incremental training data
- Closed
- is blocked by
MDL-61667 Improve install and uninstall procedure Analytics API offered to plugins
- Closed
MDL-60340 Decouple action events APIs from the logged in user
- Closed
- Testing discovered
MDL-65307 Clicking on "Get Predictions" in the navigation bar leads to error
- Closed