Note: This test is using 2 apps to test 1.3 and 1.1 interactions; any other LTI 1.3 Test application could be used instead. Steps should be rather identical, what matters is to be able to post 2 resources with the same resource id and a tag value, both under 1.1 and 1.3 flows.
- Site is configured with at least one course
- LTI Test tool 1.1 is installed as a site external tool:
- Log in as an administrator
- Navigate to Site Administration > Plugins > External tool > Manage tools
- Click on configure a tool manually
- Fill the form as follow:
- Tool name: LTI Test Tool
- Tool url: https://lti.tools/test/tp.php
- Consumer key: any value would do
- Shared secret: secret
- Click on ‘Show more’
- Check Content-Item message
- Change the 'Privacy' setting ‘Accept grades from the tool’ to 'Delegate to Teacher'.
- In Services, IMS LTI Assignment and Grade Services, choose Use this service for grade and column mgmt
- Save changes.
- ZTest tool 1.3 is installed as a site external tool:
- Log in as an administrator
- Navigate to Site Administration > Plugins > External tool > Manage tools
- Click on configure a tool manually
- Fill the form as follow:
- Tool name: ZTest 1.3
- Tool url: https://ztest.cengage.info/ztest
- LTI Version: LTI 1.3
- Public key: copy the value from https://ztest.cengage.info/ztest/ LTI 1.3 Connect info tab
- Initiate Login URI: https://ztest.cengage.info/ztest/ws/lti/startlaunch?lti13=true&client_id=CLIENT_ID_HERE&platform=moodle
- Redirect URI: https://ztest.cengage.info/ztest/lti13
- Click on ‘Show more’
- Check Content-Item message
- Change the 'Privacy' setting ‘Accept grades from the tool’ to 'Delegate to Teacher'.
- In Services, IMS LTI Assignment and Grade Services, choose Use this service for grade and column mgmt
- Save changes.
- Once the tool is created, click the information icon (pie icon) and copy the client id
- Update the initiate login URI and replace CLIENT_ID_HERE with the client id value for that tool
Adding an LTI 1.1 Resource link with line item creates a graded activity and persists resource id and tag
In this test we verify that when an app is configured to set or not a gradebook column on a per link bases, a gradebook column will always be enabled and populated only if the content item contains a gradebook column, and that the resource id and tag are persisted.
- As instructor, log to a course
- Turn editing ON
- Click Add an activity or resource and select external tool
- On the Add external tool page, select LTI Test tool for preconfigured tool
- Click on Select Content
- In the modal:
- Click content-item button
- Click on Select Content
- In the modal:
- Click content-item button
- Select LTI Launch 2 (it contains a gradebook definition)
- At the bottom of the page, click return selection
- When the modal is closed, verify:
- Grade section is visible
- Expand the grade section
- Maximum Score: 50
- Verify id-number has no value
- Save and return to course
- Launch the link
- In the raw parameters check custom_lineitem_url is present and populated
- Select outcomes 2 and line item, click action: read
- In the pop-up verify the JSON contains a property "resourceId" with a value of "a-...." (starts with a–), tag value is empty
Adding an LTI 1.3 Resource link with line item creates a graded activity and persists resource id and tag
In this test we verify that when an app is configured to set or not a gradebook column on a per link bases, a gradebook column will always be enabled and populated only if the content item contains a gradebook column, and that the resource id and tag are persisted.
- As instructor, log to a course
- Turn editing ON
- Click Add an activity or resource and select external tool
- On the Add external tool page, select ZTest 13 tool for preconfigured tool
- Click on Select Content
- In the modal:
- Click content-item button
- Click on Select Content
- In the modal:
- Click on pie icon and select content-item
- Enter for the resource id:
- Select Assignment and set points possible to 50
- Click Submit button
- When the modal is closed, verify:
- Grade section is visible
- Expand the grade section
- Maximum Score: 50
- Verify id-number has no value
- Save and return to course
- Launch the ztest activity link just created
- In the parameters check custom_lineitem_url is present and populated
- Select Any call
- Click on Get line items and Send buttons
- In the Response, verify 200 and that there is one (and only one) item present with "resourceId": "
- The same json object should also have the property: "tag": "ztest-tag"
Verify we can have more than one link with the same resource id and tag
- We now repeat the above operation (Adding an LTI 1.3 Resource link) exactly so as to create a duplicate
- Only change the final verification after Get Line Items in Ztest:
- In the Response, verify 200 and that there are 2 items present with "resourceId": "
- The same json object should also have the property: "tag": "ztest-tag"
Verify previous release backup preserves resourceid
In this test, we restore a course created on a 3.8 moodle instance which contains LTI links and gradebook columns created by ZTest. We verify the restored backup still contains the resourceid (since it is now stored on a new location).
- As admin, restore the attached course backup-moodle2-course-2-ztestcourse38-20200526-1227-nu.mbz
- Restore as new course
- Keep all default options
- Perform restore
- Once in the restored course
- Verify 2 ZTest links are present
- Click on any of those
- Verify ZTest opens without error
- Click AnyCall
- Click get lineitems button and click send button
- Verify payload matches the following JSON, just the id field should differ:
"id": "https://moodle.zeedeeyou.com/mod/lti/services.php/4/lineitems/29/lineitem?type_id=1",
"label": "ZTest Quiz No Resource Id",
"scoreMaximum": 20,
"resourceId": "",
"tag": "",
"resourceLinkId": "23",
"ltiLinkId": "23"
"id": "https://moodle.zeedeeyou.com/mod/lti/services.php/4/lineitems/30/lineitem?type_id=1",
"label": "ZTest Quiz With ResourceId",
"scoreMaximum": 20,
"resourceId": "ztest-quiz-1",
"tag": "",
"resourceLinkId": "24",
"ltiLinkId": "24"
"id": "https://moodle.zeedeeyou.com/mod/lti/services.php/4/lineitems/31/lineitem?type_id=1",
"label": "API ZTest 748",
"scoreMaximum": 22,
"resourceId": "748",
"tag": "finalgrade"
Note: This test is using 2 apps to test 1.3 and 1.1 interactions; any other LTI 1.3 Test application could be used instead. Steps should be rather identical, what matters is to be able to post 2 resources with the same resource id and a tag value, both under 1.1 and 1.3 flows.
Site is configured with at least one course
LTI Test tool 1.1 is installed as a site external tool:
Log in as an administrator
Navigate to Site Administration > Plugins > External tool > Manage tools
Click on configure a tool manually
Fill the form as follow:
Tool name: LTI Test Tool
Tool url: https://lti.tools/test/tp.php
Consumer key: any value would do
Shared secret: secret
Click on ‘Show more’
Check Content-Item message
Change the 'Privacy' setting ‘Accept grades from the tool’ to 'Delegate to Teacher'.
In Services, IMS LTI Assignment and Grade Services, choose Use this service for grade and column mgmt
Save changes.
ZTest tool 1.3 is installed as a site external tool:
Log in as an administrator
Navigate to Site Administration > Plugins > External tool > Manage tools
Click on configure a tool manually
Fill the form as follow:
Tool name: ZTest 1.3
Tool url: https://ztest.cengage.info/ztest
LTI Version: LTI 1.3
Public key: copy the value from https://ztest.cengage.info/ztest/ LTI 1.3 Connect info tab
Initiate Login URI: https://ztest.cengage.info/ztest/ws/lti/startlaunch?lti13=true&client_id=CLIENT_ID_HERE&platform=moodle
Redirect URI: https://ztest.cengage.info/ztest/lti13
Click on ‘Show more’
Check Content-Item message
Change the 'Privacy' setting ‘Accept grades from the tool’ to 'Delegate to Teacher'.
In Services, IMS LTI Assignment and Grade Services, choose Use this service for grade and column mgmt
Save changes.
Once the tool is created, click the information icon (pie icon) and copy the client id
Update the initiate login URI and replace CLIENT_ID_HERE with the client id value for that tool
Adding an LTI 1.1 Resource link with line item creates a graded activity and persists resource id and tag
In this test we verify that when an app is configured to set or not a gradebook column on a per link bases, a gradebook column will always be enabled and populated only if the content item contains a gradebook column, and that the resource id and tag are persisted.
As instructor, log to a course
Turn editing ON
Click Add an activity or resource and select external tool
On the Add external tool page, select LTI Test tool for preconfigured tool
Click on Select Content
In the modal:
Click content-item button
Click on Select Content
In the modal:
Click content-item button
Select LTI Launch 2 (it contains a gradebook definition)
At the bottom of the page, click return selection
When the modal is closed, verify:
Grade section is visible
Expand the grade section
Maximum Score: 50
Verify id-number has no value
Save and return to course
Launch the link
In the raw parameters check custom_lineitem_url is present and populated
Select outcomes 2 and line item, click action: read
In the pop-up verify the JSON contains a property "resourceId" with a value of "a-...." (starts with a–), tag value is empty
Adding an LTI 1.3 Resource link with line item creates a graded activity and persists resource id and tag
In this test we verify that when an app is configured to set or not a gradebook column on a per link bases, a gradebook column will always be enabled and populated only if the content item contains a gradebook column, and that the resource id and tag are persisted.
As instructor, log to a course
Turn editing ON
Click Add an activity or resource and select external tool
On the Add external tool page, select ZTest 13 tool for preconfigured tool
Click on Select Content
In the modal:
Click content-item button
Click on Select Content
In the modal:
Click on pie icon and select content-item
Enter for the resource id: MDL-65306 -ZTest
Select Assignment and set points possible to 50
Click Submit button
When the modal is closed, verify:
Grade section is visible
Expand the grade section
Maximum Score: 50
Verify id-number has no value
Save and return to course
Launch the ztest activity link just created
In the parameters check custom_lineitem_url is present and populated
Select Any call
Click on Get line items and Send buttons
In the Response, verify 200 and that there is one (and only one) item present with "resourceId": " MDL-65306 -Ztest"
The same json object should also have the property: "tag": "ztest-tag"
Verify we can have more than one link with the same resource id and tag
We now repeat the above operation (Adding an LTI 1.3 Resource link) exactly so as to create a duplicate
Only change the final verification after Get Line Items in Ztest:
In the Response, verify 200 and that there are 2 items present with "resourceId": " MDL-65306 -Ztest"
The same json object should also have the property: "tag": "ztest-tag"
Verify previous release backup preserves resourceid
In this test, we restore a course created on a 3.8 moodle instance which contains LTI links and gradebook columns created by ZTest. We verify the restored backup still contains the resourceid (since it is now stored on a new location).
As admin, restore the attached course backup-moodle2-course-2-ztestcourse38-20200526-1227-nu.mbz
Restore as new course
Keep all default options
Perform restore
Once in the restored course
Verify 2 ZTest links are present
Click on any of those
Verify ZTest opens without error
Click AnyCall
Click get lineitems button and click send button
Verify payload matches the following JSON, just the id field should differ:
"id" : "https://moodle.zeedeeyou.com/mod/lti/services.php/4/lineitems/29/lineitem?type_id=1" ,
"label" : "ZTest Quiz No Resource Id" ,
"scoreMaximum" : 20 ,
"resourceId" : "" ,
"tag" : "" ,
"resourceLinkId" : "23" ,
"ltiLinkId" : "23"
"id" : "https://moodle.zeedeeyou.com/mod/lti/services.php/4/lineitems/30/lineitem?type_id=1" ,
"label" : "ZTest Quiz With ResourceId" ,
"scoreMaximum" : 20 ,
"resourceId" : "ztest-quiz-1" ,
"tag" : "" ,
"resourceLinkId" : "24" ,
"ltiLinkId" : "24"
"id" : "https://moodle.zeedeeyou.com/mod/lti/services.php/4/lineitems/31/lineitem?type_id=1" ,
"label" : "API ZTest 748" ,
"scoreMaximum" : 22 ,
"resourceId" : "748" ,
"tag" : "finalgrade"