- Instance with Atto as a default editor
- One user created
1) When I edit a user profile and write in the description field (you can copy-paste)
This is my first paragraph.
This is my second paragraph with bold.
- One ordered list
- with two elements
- And a sublist item
And another list:
- Unordered list
- With two elements
2) And clic on the HTML button on Atto toolbar.
3) Then the HTML code should appear with line numbers and all the tags in a color (usually green)
4) Still in the HTML view mode, select all the HTML corresponding the ordered list (tags <ol> and </ol> included). This should be in more than one line.
5) Then when I press "tab" key all the content increment it's tabbed by one and if I press "shirt+tab" returns to the original position
6) Whith the HTML view activate, select all text in the description and delete it, then type (don't copy-paste this time):
- Type "Text" and press enter: then the next line should not be tabbed
- Type "<ul>" and press enter: then the next line should be tabbed one time (by default each tab are two white spaces)
- Type "<li>" and press enter: then the next line should be tabbed two times
- Type "Text" and press enter: then the next line should be also tabbed two times
- Type "</li>": when the ">" is typed, then the line should reduce the tabbed to match the "<li>" tag.
- Press enter to de a line break: then the next line should continue tabbed one time
- Type "</ul>": when the ">" is typed, then the line should reduce the tabbed to match the "<ul>" tag.
- Press enter to do a line beak: then the next line should not be tabbed
7) Turn off the HTML mode on Atto. Then the text should be the word Text twice, one in the beginning and one inside the list.
8) Add some line breaks at the end of the text (in WYSIWYG mode) and insert some image on the text with the "insert od edit image" button. Then the image should be displayed inside Atto
9) Activade HTML mode with the button. Then the <img> tag should appear remarked in one color (green) and the attributes like "src=..." in another (red).
10) Add some lines at the end of the HTML text and write the word "Another text"
11) Turn off the HTML mode, then the content should be the same as before plus the "Another text" word in the end.
12) Save the profile. Then the description should be the same text as you write in the field.