Editing quiz
Create a quiz.
Edit the quiz and add at least two questions.
Click " Select multiple items "
Confirm that you see a " Select all " button
Confirm that without any item being selected on initial load, the " Delete selected " button is rendered as disabled.
Check the behaviour of the " Select all " button.
Confirm that:
When you click on it, all items become selected and its text becomes " Deselect all "
When everything's selected and you click on it, all items become deselected and its text becomes " Select all "
Check the effect of clicking of one or more checkboxes beside each question.
Confirm that:
When you tick all checkboxes, the " Select all " button's text becomes " Deselect all "
When all checkboxes are ticked and you untick at least one checkbox, the " Deselect all " button's text becomes " Select all "
Check the behaviour of the " Delete selected " button.
Confirm that:
When at least one checkbox is selected, the " Delete selected " button is enabled.
When there's no checkbox selected, the " Delete selected " button is disabled.
Overview report
Login as a student and make at least 2 attempts on the quiz. Do this again for at least one more student account.
Login again as the teacher and go to the quiz.
Click on the cog to open the quiz menu and select " Results " (or " Grades ")
Scroll down the bottom of the page, you will see the grade table
Confirm that you see a checkbox on the column header of the table's first column. Let's call this the master checkbox.
Confirm that without any item being selected on initial load, the " Regrade selected attempts " and " Delete selected attempts " buttons are rendered as disabled.
Check the behaviour of the master checkbox.
Confirm that:
When it's ticked, all items become selected and its hidden label becomes " Deselect all " (you might wanna inspect using the dev tools of your browser)
When everything's selected and you untick it, all items become deselected and its text becomes " Select all "
Check the effect of clicking of one or more checkboxes beside each attempt.
Confirm that:
When you tick all checkboxes, the master checkbox becomes ticked and its hidden label becomes " Deselect all "
When all checkboxes are ticked and you untick at least one checkbox, the master checkbox becomes unticked and its hidden label becomes " Select all "
Check the behaviour of the " Regrade selected attempts " and " Delete selected attempts " buttons.
Confirm that:
When at least one checkbox is selected, the buttons are enabled.
When there's no checkbox selected, the buttons are disabled.
Responses report
Go back to the quiz's main page.
Click on the cog to open the quiz menu and select " Responses "
Scroll down the bottom of the page, you will see the responses table
Confirm that you see a checkbox on the column header of the table's first column. Let's call this the master checkbox.
Confirm that without any item being selected on initial load, the " Delete selected attempts " button is rendered as disabled.
Check the behaviour of the master checkbox.
Confirm that:
When it's ticked, all items become selected and its hidden label becomes " Deselect all " (you might wanna inspect using the dev tools of your browser)
When everything's selected and you untick it, all items become deselected and its text becomes " Select all "
Check the effect of clicking of one or more checkboxes beside each attempt.
Confirm that:
When you tick all checkboxes, the master checkbox becomes ticked and its hidden label becomes " Deselect all "
When all checkboxes are ticked and you untick at least one checkbox, the master checkbox becomes unticked and its hidden label becomes " Select all "
Check the behaviour of the " Delete selected attempts " button.
Confirm that:
When at least one checkbox is selected, the button is enabled.
When there's no checkbox selected, the button is disabled.