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  1. Moodle
  2. MDL-64999 block_myoverview: Replace / accompany the time-based course filter with a semantic course filter based on custom course fields
  3. MDL-66017

An admin can specify a course custom field as a filter for users to select in their Dashboard course overview


      As a subtask of MDL-64999, this issue is about implementing the following improvement:

      • Add a setting "block_myoverview | displaygroupingcustomfield" as a checkbox setting to
        • Ideally, this setting is added between "block_myoverview | displaygroupingfuture" and "block_myoverview | displaygroupingstarred"
      • Add a setting "block_myoverview | customfiltergrouping" as a singleselect setting to /admin/settings.php?section=blocksettingmyoverview.
        • This setting is dependant with hide_if from ""block_myoverview | displaygroupingcustomfield" and only shown if this setting is shown.
        • This setting shows the titles of all existing custom course fields in the system.
        • This setting should ideally not have a particular custom course field selected, the admin should be urged to actively select one.
        • If there aren't any custom course fields in the system, it might be useful to show an explanation what custom course fields are and where they can be created and configured.
        • The admin can select one of the existing custom course fields.
      • If the admin has enabled "block_myoverview | displaygroupingcustomfield" and has selected a custom course field in "block_myoverview | customfiltergrouping", the course filter in block_myoverview gets new filter options:
        • These new filter options are added after the "Past" filter option
        • These new filter options are preceeded by a divider line
        • The filter options are user-dependent. For a particular user, the set of filter options is collected with this algorithm:
          • Collect the value of the custom course field of all courses which the user is enrolled into into a list.
          • Remove duplicates from the list
          • Generate output for the value of the custom course fields as not all course field types can be output directly. For now, a reasonable output could be:
            • Checkbox fields: Output "<Field name>: Yes" or "<Field name>: No"
            • Date and time fields: Output the timestamp as date string based on the local language pack
            • Dropdown menu fields: Output as defined in the course field
            • Short text fields: Output as defined in the course field
            • Text area fields: Output as defined in the course field, but shorten to a reasonable length and add an ellipsis.
          • Sort the list by a reasonable order for the particular custom course field type. For now, a reasonable order could be:
            • Checkbox fields: Order by "Enabled, disabled"
            • Date and time fields: Order by ascending time stamp
            • Dropdown menu fields: Order by their given order in the field definition from top to bottom
            • Short text fields: Order by ascending alphabet
            • Text area fields: Order by ascending alphabet
          • Add one course filter option per list entry to the course filter dropdown.
          • If there are courses where the custom field is empty or not set, add a filter option saying "No <Field name>" to the course filter.
      • Add a webservice, in addition to or as an enhancement of core_course_get_enrolled_courses_by_timeline_classification, which provided a course list filtered by a custom course field value.
      • The user will then be able to filter his courses in block_myoverview based on the custom course field values. Apart from the filter results, this filter will exactly behave like the other existing filter options.

      See a mockup to illustrate the proposal where

      • block_myoverview | displaygroupinginprogress would be enabled
      • block_myoverview | displaygroupingpast would be enabled
      • block_myoverview | displaygroupingfuture would be enabled
      • block_myoverview | displaygroupingcustomfield would be enabled
      • block_myoverview | customfiltergrouping would be set to a custom course field with "Dropdown menu field" type which contains a list of lecture terms

      See a mockup to illustrate the proposal where

      • block_myoverview | displaygroupinginprogress would be disabled
      • block_myoverview | displaygroupingpast would be disabled
      • block_myoverview | displaygroupingfuture would be disabled
      • block_myoverview | displaygroupingcustomfield would be enabled
      • block_myoverview | customfiltergrouping would be set to a custom course field with "Dropdown menu field" type which contains a list of lecture terms


      • The new block setting and the new filtering options should be covered with Behat tests

      It might make sense to create follow-up issues for these areas:

      • Add admin settings to let the admin better control the output of the course field values
      • Add admin settings to let the admin control the ordering of the course field values
      • Add support to even add values of multiple custom fields to the course filter dropdown
      • Deal with the case that a user's courses will have many (say 10+) different custom course field values which would let the list of filter options grow very long. Solution approaches could be:
        • Only create options for the first 10 field values (which is bad usability and not really deterministic)
        • Let the admin configure the particular custom field values of all existing custom field values which should appear in the filter (which has to be managed consistently)

        1. Screenshot_06_03_19__13_02.png
          230 kB
          Alexander Bias
        2. Screenshot_08_03_19__13_21.png
          204 kB
          Alexander Bias

            davosmith Davo Smith
            abias Alexander Bias
            Alexander Bias Alexander Bias
            Sara Arjona (@sarjona) Sara Arjona (@sarjona)
            CiBoT CiBoT
            10 Vote for this issue
            18 Start watching this issue


                Original Estimate - 0 minutes
                Remaining Estimate - 0 minutes
                Time Spent - 3 days, 5 hours, 15 minutes
                3d 5h 15m

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