Create, or have an existing, course with at least one teacher, multiple students and at least 3 groups (which only contain a subset of enrolled users). There should be at least one student not assigned to any group. Ensure the teacher is enrolled in at least 2 of the groups.
Make a note of which students are part of each group, and which is in no groups.
Create a forum activity in the course, and add some posts and replies (make a note of the number of posts and replies by the users that have them).
Test 1 - Unfiltered results are reported by default
Log in as the teacher.
Navigate to the forum.
In the actions menu, follow the 'Summary report' option, to open the forum summary report page.
CONFIRM The page shows a Groups filter button, with the text "Groups".
CONFIRM There is a report displayed, with all users shown and correct report details.
Test 2 - filter popover acts as expected
Click the groups filter button.
CONFIRM a popover appears, with the heading 'Groups', a checkbox list of all group names, a scrollbar, as well as 'Select all', 'Save' and 'Clear' options.
CONFIRM none of the groups are selected by default.
Click on multiple groups. CONFIRM they become checked.
Click on 'Select all' and CONFIRM all groups become checked.
Click the 'Clear' option, and CONFIRM all groups become unchecked.
Test 3 - filter is applied as expected
With the groups filter still open, select exactly 2 groups (the 2 that the teacher is enrolled in), then click 'Save'.
CONFIRM the page is reloaded, re-generating the report automatically.
CONFIRM the groups filter button now reads "Groups (2)".
CONFIRM the re-generated report only lists users who belong to the groups you selected, and that the report details are correct - especially that the teacher's data is not multiplied because they belong to both groups (ie if they have 2 replies, it does not show 4 replies).
Click the 'Surname' table heading on the report.
CONFIRM the same list of users is shown (ie the groups filter is still being applied), but is ordered by surname.
Click the 'Reset table preferences' link on the right of the page.
CONFIRM the original order is restored, and is still only the users from the selected groups (ie the groups filter is still being applied).
CONFIRM the groups filter still contains the text "Groups (2)".
Click the groups filter button to open the popover.
Click 'Clear' and then select 'No groups' from the bottom of the groups list, then click 'Save'.
CONFIRM the report is re-generated, and now includes only the user who does not belong to any groups.
CONFIRM the groups filter button now reads "Groups (1)".
CONFIRM the report details are correct.
Re-open the groups filter.
Click 'Clear', so no checkboxes are selected, then click 'Save'.
CONFIRM the groups filter button now reads "Groups".
CONFIRM There is a report displayed, with all users shown and correct report details.**