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  1. Moodle
  2. MDL-66373

Dates filter in forum summary report


    • MDL-66373-master-2
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      1. Log into your test site as site admin.
      2. Visit each of the following user profile pages, and note down each user's name, as they will be referred to as the respective users later in testing:
        User URL
        u1 <wwwroot>/user/profile.php?id=13
        u2 <wwwroot>/user/view.php?id=3
        u3 <wwwroot>/user/view.php?id=7
        u4 <wwwroot>/user/view.php?id=6
      3. Restore the attached course (Forum test course, FT101) into a new course in your test site.
      4. Navigate to the "Forum test course" course, and open the forum called "Parlay".
      5. Open the forum actions menu and click "Summary report".
      6. CONFIRM the report contains 16 users, and the following users' details match (dates shortened here for table readability):
        first/surname Num Discussions Num replies Num attachments Num views Words Chars Earliest post Most recent post
        u1 1 6 5 115 34 186 19 July 3:05pm 10 Sep 2:15pm
        u2 0 4 7 39 9 47 3 Sep 6:59pm 3 Sep 7:10pm
        u3 0 0 0 2 0 0 - -

      Testing - filter by from/to dates, both, neither

      1. Remain logged in as site admin, viewing the "Parlay" forum summary report.
      2. CONFIRM there is a dates filter button to the left of the groups filter button, which contains the text "Dates".
      3. Click the dates filter button.
      4. CONFIRM the dates filter popover appears, with the heading "Dates", two date inputs ("From" and "To"), and a "Save" option.
      5. CONFIRM both date filters display today's date, and are disabled (dropdowns disabled, and enable checkboxes unchecked).
      6. Click "Enable" on the "From" dates filter then click the calendar icon on that row.
      7. CONFIRM the current month's calendar loads below the dates filter popover.
      8. Set the date in the calendar to "1 September 2019" and CONFIRM that the calendar disappears, and the date is correctly updated into the "From" date filter.
      9. Click "Save".
      10. CONFIRM the dates filter button now contains the text "From 1 Sep 2019", and the report still lists 16 users.
      11. CONFIRM the relevant users' details have now changed to the following:
        first/surname Num Discussions Num replies Num attachments Num views Words Chars Earliest post Most recent post
        u1 0 4 5 72 20 108 3 Sep 4:45pm 10 Sep 2:15pm
        u2 0 4 7 22 9 47 3 Sep 6:59pm 3 Sep 7:10pm
        u3 0 0 0 2 0 0 - -
      12. Click the dates filter button.
      13. CONFIRM the "From" filter still shows "1 September 2019" and the "Enabled" checkbox is checked.
      14. CONFIRM the "To" filter still shows today's date and the "Enabled" checkbox is not checked.
      15. Update the "From" filter using the dropdowns (not the calendar), so the date becomes "1 September 2019".
      16. Click "Enable" on the "To" dates filter then click the calendar icon on that row.
      17. CONFIRM the current month's calendar loads below the dates filter popover.
      18. Set the date in the calendar to "3 September 2019" and CONFIRM that the calendar disappears, and the date is correctly updated into the "To" date filter.
      19. Click "Save".
      20. CONFIRM the dates filter button now contains the text "1 Sep 2019 - 3 Sep 2019", and the report still lists 16 users.
      21. CONFIRM the relevant users' details have now changed to the following:
        first/surname Num Discussions Num replies Num attachments Num views Earliest post Most recent post
        u1 0 2 2 14 3 Sep 4:45pm 3 Sep 4:46pm
        u2 0 4 7 15 3 Sep 6:59pm 3 Sep 7:10pm
        u3 0 0 0 0 - -
      22. Click the dates filter button.
      23. CONFIRM the "From" filter still shows "1 September 2019" and the "Enabled" checkbox is checked.
      24. CONFIRM the "To" filter still shows "3 September 2019" and the "Enabled" checkbox is checked.
      25. Change the "From" filter year to 2020 and press "Save".
      26. CONFIRM The filter remains open, and displays warning text: 'Please ensure the "From" date selected is earlier than the "To" date selected.'.
      27. Uncheck "Enable" on the "From" filter, and CONFIRM the "From" date dropdowns become disabled.
      28. Update the "To" filter using the dropdowns, so the date becomes "1 August 2019".
      29. Click "Save".
      30. CONFIRM the dates filter button now contains the text "To 1 Aug 2019", and the report still lists 16 users.
      31. CONFIRM the relevant users' details have now changed to the following:
        first/surname Num Discussions Num replies Num attachments Num views Words Chars Earliest post Most recent post
        u1 1 2 0 18 14 78 19 Jul 3:05pm 19 Jul 3:06pm
        u2 0 0 0 4 0 0 - -
        u3 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
      32. Click the dates filter button.
      33. CONFIRM the "From" filter shows today's date and the "Enabled" checkbox is not checked.
      34. CONFIRM the "To" filter still shows "1 August 2019" and the "Enabled" checkbox is checked.
      35. Uncheck "Enable" on the "To" filter, and CONFIRM the "To" date dropdowns become disabled.
      36. Click save.
      37. CONFIRM the dates filter button now contains the text "Dates".
      38. CONFIRM the report contains 16 users, and the following users' details match:
        first/surname Num Discussions Num replies Num attachments Num views Words Chars Earliest post Most recent post
        u1 1 6 5 115 34 186 19 July 3:05pm 10 Sep 2:15pm
        u2 0 4 7 39 9 47 3 Sep 6:59pm 3 Sep 7:10pm
        u3 0 0 0 2 0 0 - -

      Testing - Groups/dates filter combo

      1. Click on the dates filter button.
      2. Uncheck the "From" filter's "Enable" checkbox (or skip this if it is already unchecked from the previous test).
      3. Check the "To filter's "Enable" checkbox (if it is not already checked), and set the "To" date to "4 September 2019".
      4. Click "Save".
      5. Click on the groups filter button.
      6. Select "Group 1" only, and click "Save".
      7. CONFIRM the dates filter button displays "To 4 Sep 2019", and the groups filter button displays "Groups (1)".
      8. CONFIRM only the following 3 users are listed in the report, with the following details:
        first/surname Num Discussions Num replies Num attachments Words Chars Earliest post Most recent post
        u1 1 1 0 58 8 42 19 July 3:05pm 19 July 3:06pm
        u3 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
        u4 0 2 3 15 7 23 3 Sep 7:17pm 3 Sep 7:29pm
      Setup Log into your test site as site admin. Visit each of the following user profile pages, and note down each user's name, as they will be referred to as the respective users later in testing: User URL u1 <wwwroot>/user/profile.php?id=13 u2 <wwwroot>/user/view.php?id=3 u3 <wwwroot>/user/view.php?id=7 u4 <wwwroot>/user/view.php?id=6 Restore the attached course (Forum test course, FT101) into a new course in your test site. Navigate to the "Forum test course" course, and open the forum called "Parlay". Open the forum actions menu and click "Summary report". CONFIRM the report contains 16 users, and the following users' details match (dates shortened here for table readability): first/surname Num Discussions Num replies Num attachments Num views Words Chars Earliest post Most recent post u1 1 6 5 115 34 186 19 July 3:05pm 10 Sep 2:15pm u2 0 4 7 39 9 47 3 Sep 6:59pm 3 Sep 7:10pm u3 0 0 0 2 0 0 - - Testing - filter by from/to dates, both, neither Remain logged in as site admin, viewing the "Parlay" forum summary report. CONFIRM there is a dates filter button to the left of the groups filter button, which contains the text "Dates". Click the dates filter button. CONFIRM the dates filter popover appears, with the heading "Dates", two date inputs ("From" and "To"), and a "Save" option. CONFIRM both date filters display today's date, and are disabled (dropdowns disabled, and enable checkboxes unchecked). Click "Enable" on the "From" dates filter then click the calendar icon on that row. CONFIRM the current month's calendar loads below the dates filter popover. Set the date in the calendar to "1 September 2019" and CONFIRM that the calendar disappears, and the date is correctly updated into the "From" date filter. Click "Save". CONFIRM the dates filter button now contains the text "From 1 Sep 2019", and the report still lists 16 users. CONFIRM the relevant users' details have now changed to the following: first/surname Num Discussions Num replies Num attachments Num views Words Chars Earliest post Most recent post u1 0 4 5 72 20 108 3 Sep 4:45pm 10 Sep 2:15pm u2 0 4 7 22 9 47 3 Sep 6:59pm 3 Sep 7:10pm u3 0 0 0 2 0 0 - - Click the dates filter button. CONFIRM the "From" filter still shows "1 September 2019" and the "Enabled" checkbox is checked. CONFIRM the "To" filter still shows today's date and the "Enabled" checkbox is not checked. Update the "From" filter using the dropdowns (not the calendar), so the date becomes "1 September 2019". Click "Enable" on the "To" dates filter then click the calendar icon on that row. CONFIRM the current month's calendar loads below the dates filter popover. Set the date in the calendar to "3 September 2019" and CONFIRM that the calendar disappears, and the date is correctly updated into the "To" date filter. Click "Save". CONFIRM the dates filter button now contains the text "1 Sep 2019 - 3 Sep 2019", and the report still lists 16 users. CONFIRM the relevant users' details have now changed to the following: first/surname Num Discussions Num replies Num attachments Num views Earliest post Most recent post u1 0 2 2 14 3 Sep 4:45pm 3 Sep 4:46pm u2 0 4 7 15 3 Sep 6:59pm 3 Sep 7:10pm u3 0 0 0 0 - - Click the dates filter button. CONFIRM the "From" filter still shows "1 September 2019" and the "Enabled" checkbox is checked. CONFIRM the "To" filter still shows "3 September 2019" and the "Enabled" checkbox is checked. Change the "From" filter year to 2020 and press "Save". CONFIRM The filter remains open, and displays warning text: ' Please ensure the "From" date selected is earlier than the "To" date selected. '. Uncheck "Enable" on the "From" filter, and CONFIRM the "From" date dropdowns become disabled. Update the "To" filter using the dropdowns, so the date becomes "1 August 2019". Click "Save". CONFIRM the dates filter button now contains the text "To 1 Aug 2019", and the report still lists 16 users. CONFIRM the relevant users' details have now changed to the following: first/surname Num Discussions Num replies Num attachments Num views Words Chars Earliest post Most recent post u1 1 2 0 18 14 78 19 Jul 3:05pm 19 Jul 3:06pm u2 0 0 0 4 0 0 - - u3 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - Click the dates filter button. CONFIRM the "From" filter shows today's date and the "Enabled" checkbox is not checked. CONFIRM the "To" filter still shows "1 August 2019" and the "Enabled" checkbox is checked. Uncheck "Enable" on the "To" filter, and CONFIRM the "To" date dropdowns become disabled. Click save. CONFIRM the dates filter button now contains the text "Dates". CONFIRM the report contains 16 users, and the following users' details match: first/surname Num Discussions Num replies Num attachments Num views Words Chars Earliest post Most recent post u1 1 6 5 115 34 186 19 July 3:05pm 10 Sep 2:15pm u2 0 4 7 39 9 47 3 Sep 6:59pm 3 Sep 7:10pm u3 0 0 0 2 0 0 - - Testing - Groups/dates filter combo Click on the dates filter button. Uncheck the "From" filter's "Enable" checkbox (or skip this if it is already unchecked from the previous test). Check the "To filter's "Enable" checkbox (if it is not already checked), and set the "To" date to "4 September 2019". Click "Save". Click on the groups filter button. Select "Group 1" only, and click "Save". CONFIRM the dates filter button displays "To 4 Sep 2019", and the groups filter button displays "Groups (1)". CONFIRM only the following 3 users are listed in the report, with the following details: first/surname Num Discussions Num replies Num attachments Words Chars Earliest post Most recent post u1 1 1 0 58 8 42 19 July 3:05pm 19 July 3:06pm u3 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - u4 0 2 3 15 7 23 3 Sep 7:17pm 3 Sep 7:29pm
    • 6
    • Internationals - 3.8 Sprint 5, Internationals - 3.8 Sprint 6, Internationals - 3.8 Sprint 7, Internationals - 3.8 Sprint 8, Internationals - 3.8 Alpha

      Date filters for start/end
      2 x story points

        1. japanese-calendar-goes-out-of-bounds.png
          22 kB
        2. MDL-66373-backup-20191029-1512.mbz
          865 kB
        3. setup.png
          137 kB
        4. test1_1.png
          225 kB
        5. test1_2.png
          174 kB
        6. test1_3.png
          77 kB
        7. test2.png
          36 kB

            michaelh Michael Hawkins
            dobedobedoh Andrew Lyons
            Shamim Rezaie Shamim Rezaie
            Jun Pataleta Jun Pataleta
            Janelle Barcega Janelle Barcega
            2 Vote for this issue
            9 Start watching this issue


                Original Estimate - 0 minutes
                Remaining Estimate - 0 minutes
                Time Spent - 2 weeks, 1 day, 1 hour, 12 minutes
                2w 1d 1h 12m

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