Resolution: Fixed
MDL-66552-master -
As commented by mudrd8mz in MDL-66147:
diff --git a/lang/en/moodle.php b/lang/en/moodle.php
+$string['relativedatestimediffformat'] = '%ad %hh %im';
May I suggest to improve this a little bit and
- Have the string defined in the langconfig.php component.
- Name it consistently with existing date time formatting strings these, for example something like strfrelativedatetimediff or so.
This would make the string easier to locate and translate or customise.
- has a non-specific relationship to
MDL-66147 As a teacher, I want to be able to create an assignment activity with a 'due date' relative to the student course start date, so that the student can complete the full course
- Closed