1) Install this plugin just to make testing easier:
Testing scenario 1. Execution without keep-alive
1) Queue up just a couple ad hoc tasks
php admin/tool/testtasks/cli/queue_adhoc_tasks.php -d=1 -n=1
2) Run the ad hoc task runner:
php admin/tool/task/cli/adhoc_task.php -e
3) Check the ad hoc task runner runs and then halts normally afterwards:
Execute adhoc task: tool_testtasks\task\timed_adhoc_task
... started 14:08:01. Current memory use 15.2MB.
Starting adhoc task '1 of 1' wth duration: 1
adhoc task running: 1/1 seconds
Ending adhoc task '1 of 1' with duration: 1
... used 0 dbqueries
... used 1.0032410621643 seconds
Adhoc task complete: tool_testtasks\task\timed_adhoc_task
Ran 1 adhoc tasks found at Tue, 03 Dec 2019 14:08:01 +0100
Testing scenario 2. Execution with short keep alive
1) Run the ad hoc task runner in keep alive mode:
php admin/tool/task/cli/adhoc_task.php --execute --keep-alive=10
2) Check it sits there waiting and drawing dots every second ...
Waiting for more adhoc tasks to be queued .....
3) Check after 10 seconds it exits.
Testing scenario 3. Execution with long keep alive
1) Run the ad hoc task runner and keep it alive for ages
php admin/tool/task/cli/adhoc_task.php -e -k=1000
2) In another terminal queue up a task:
php admin/tool/testtasks/cli/queue_adhoc_tasks.php -d=1 -n=1
3) In the first tab, check this task get processed within a second.
Waiting for more adhoc tasks to be queued ..........
Execute adhoc task: tool_testtasks\task\timed_adhoc_task
... started 14:13:42. Current memory use 15.2MB.
Starting adhoc task '1 of 1 ' wth duration: 1
adhoc task running: 1/1 seconds
Ending adhoc task '1 of 1 ' with duration: 1
... used 0 dbqueries
... used 1.0078918933868 seconds
Adhoc task complete: tool_testtasks\task\timed_adhoc_task
4) In the first tab, check it will go back to waiting.
Waiting for more adhoc tasks to be queued .............
5) In the second tab, purge the cache.
php admin/cli/purge_caches.php
6) In the first tab, check the adhoc task script exits as normal.