Part of these tests have been created from the attached document: Open Badges Spec v2.1_test instruction-3.docx
Run your site with public access (use ngrok or similar).
2 accounts set up on
mailcatcher (or similar or working mail) to intercept emails.
Setup oAuth2 service
Login as admin.
Access to the "Site home" and "Turn editing on".
Add a label, upload an image there and save changes.
Right-click over the uploaded image and copy the image address. You'll need to replace "" of the next command to the copied image URL.
Register the oAuth2 service in the IMS Global IdentityServer4 executing the following command, replacing "" by your server URL. You'll probably need to adapt "" to your Moodle URL:
curl --location --insecure --request POST '' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '
"client_name": "Badge Moodle",
"client_uri": "",
"logo_uri": "",
"tos_uri": "",
"policy_uri": "",
"software_id": "stablemaster-testing",
"software_version": "2020041700.01",
"redirect_uris": [
"token_endpoint_auth_method": "client_secret_basic",
"grant_types": [
"response_types": [
"scope": " offline_access"
You should get a result like this. Copy the client_id and the client_secret (you'll need them to configure the oAuth2 service)
"client_id": "LGC8WEFTxp8",
"client_secret": "3GAfOtFgflA",
"client_id_issued_at": 1587110808,
"client_secret_expires_at": 1618646808,
"client_name": "Badge OU",
"client_uri": "",
"logo_uri": "",
"tos_uri": "",
"policy_uri": "",
"software_id": "13dcdc83-fc0d-4c8d-9159-6461da297388",
"software_version": "54dfc83-fc0d-4c8d-9159-6461da297388",
"redirect_uris": [
"token_endpoint_auth_method": "client_secret_basic",
"grant_types": [
"response_types": [
"scope": " offline_access"
Go to "Site administration / Server / OAuth 2 services".
Create a custom service with the following information:
Name: "IMS Global"
Client ID: <previous client_id>
Client secret: <previous client_secret>
Enable Authenticate token requests via HTTP headers
Scopes included in a login request and Scopes included in a login request for offline access: "openid profile email"
Service base URL:
Logo URL:
Save changes.
Setup connection to external site
Create a new backpack executing the following SQL query:
INSERT INTO mdl_badge_external_backpack (backpackapiurl, backpackweburl, apiversion, sortorder) VALUES ('', '', '2.1', 2);
Go to "Site administration / Badges / Badges settings".
Set the "Badge issuer email address" to the email address of one of the accounts and Save changes.
Access to "Site administration / Badges / Manage backpacks".
Edit settings for "".
Enter the Badgr admin account password (the appropriate for the user account added in step #2).
Setup badges
Go to "Site administration | Badges | Add a new badge" and create a badge at site level.
Add criteria to the badge so it can be manually issued by role.
Enable the badge.
Issue the badge to the admin user and to teacher (t1) user.
Testing scenario 1: Backpack settings
Access to "Site administration / Badges / Manage backpacks".
Edit settings for "".
Check the "Badge issuer password" field is not displayed.
Select "IMS Global" in the "OAuth 2 services" list and save changes.
Go to "Site administration / Badges / Backpack settings".
Select "" as Active external backpack.
Access to "Site administration / Badges / Manage backpacks".
Check "" is marked as the active external backpack.
Check no error is displayed.
Testing scenario 2: Connect to backpack site
Go to Dashboard / Preferences / Badges / Backpack settings.
Check the "Status" is "not connected" and the button "Connect to backpack" appears. Check also the email and password fields are not displayed.
Click button "Connect to backpack".
Check the site is redirected to the backpack site and the login form is displayed.
Login using one of the existing users (alice or bob).
Check the screen requesting your permission is displayed with the following application access permissions:
Create or update Open Badges Profile
Get Open Badges Profile
Create Open Badges Assertion
Get Open Badges Assertions
Offline Access
Click button "Yes, Allow".
Check the "Backpack has been connected" message is displayed.
Check you're redirected to the Manage badges page.
Click the "Change backpack settings" button.
Check the status is "Connected".
Testing scenario 3: Send badge to the backpack
Go to Dashboard / Preferences / Badges / Manage badges.
Click on the "Add to backpack" button.
Check the message " Added badge to backpack " is displayed.
Testing scenario 4: Connect to still works
Go to "Site administration / Badges / Backpack settings" and set the site backpack to
Log in as teacher (t1).
Go to Dashboard / Preferences / Badges / Backpack settings.
Check the "Status" is "not connected" and the button "Connect to backpack" appears.
Check also the email and password fields are displayed.
Add the email address for the other account as the email address for the backpack connection. Fill in also the correspondent password.
Click button "Connect to backpack".
Read the verification email and click on the link to verify the connection to the backpack.
Go to Dashboard / Preferences / Badges / Backpack settings.
Check the status is "Connected".
Testing scenario 5: Send badge to the backpack (
Log in as teacher (t1).
Repeat steps in testing scenario 3. The behaviour should be exactly the same.