Resolution: Fixed
MDL-67149-master -
The new help popups in Moodle 3.7, aside from being annoying, are not accessible. Specifically they fail WCAG 1.4.13 https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/#content-on-hover-or-focus. When you tab to the help icon, the popup appears, and it doesn't go away unless you tab away. The Esc key does nothing. Here is the requirement:
A mechanism is available to dismiss the additional content without moving pointer hover or keyboard focus, unless the additional content communicates an input error or does not obscure or replace other content;
This is basically the Esc key rule; the popup must go away when you press Escape (so that you can get rid of it without having to tab away), and it doesn't.
Apart from this the popups seem to be OK because they include an Aria role="tooltip".
I'll see how easy this is to make the Esc key work!