Test group custom field in admin setting
Go to "Site administration > Users"
Confirm "Group custom fields" is in "Course" section.
Click "Group custom fields".
Click "Add a new category".
Confirm a new category "Other fields" is created.
Click category name "Other fields" and change to "Test group custom field category" then press enter key.
Confirm the category name is changed to "Test group custom field category".
Click "Short text" from "Add a new custom field" dropdown on the right side of category name.
Fill "Name" with "Group custom text", "Short name" with "groupcustomtext", "Default value" with "Group test value", and click "Save changes".
Confirm "Group custom text" is created in the "Test group custom field category".
Test grouping custom field in admin setting
Go to "Site administration > Users"
Confirm "Grouping custom fields" is in "Course" section.
Click "Grouping custom fields".
Click "Add a new category".
Confirm a new category "Other fields" is created.
Click category name "Other fields" and change to "Test grouping custom field category" then press enter key.
Confirm the category name is changed to "Test grouping custom field category".
Click "Short text" from "Add a new custom field" dropdown on the right side of category name.
Fill "Name" with "Grouping custom text", "Short name" with "groupingcustomtext", "Default value" with "Grouping test value", and click "Save changes".
Confirm "Grouping custom text" is created in the "Test grouping custom field category".
Test group/grouping custom field in the course
Create a new course.
Go to the created course.
Go to "Paticipants > Groups".
Click "Create group".
Confirm "Group default value" is set for "Group custom text" in the "Test group custom field category".
Set "Test CF group" for "Group name", "Gruop updated value" for "Group custom text", and fill other required field, then click "Save changes".
Choose "Test CF group" in the "Groups" and click "Edit group settings".
Confirm "Group updated value" is set for "Group custom text" in the "Test group custom field category".
Go to "Participants > Groupings".
Click "Create grouping".
Confirm "Grouping default value" is set for "Grouping custom text" in the "Test grouping custom field category".
Set "Test CF grouping" for "Grouping name", "Gruoping updated value" for "Grouping custom text", and fill other required field, then click "Save changes".
Click cog icon for "Test CF grouping" row.
Confirm "Grouping updated value" is set for "Grouping custom text" in the "Test grouping custom field category".
Test import groups
Go to the created course.
Go to "Paticipants > Groups".
Click "Import groups".
Click "Choose a file...", upload file "import_group_tests.csv", and click "Upload this file". (use attached file in this ticket)
Click "Import groups".
Confirm messages below are shown after import.
Group Test Import Group 1 added successfully
Grouping Test Grouping 1 added successfully
Group Test Import Group 1 added to grouping Test Grouping 1 successfully
Group Test Import Group 2 added successfully
Group Test Import Group 2 added to grouping Test Grouping 1 successfully
Click "Test Import Group 1" in the "Groups" box and click "Edit group settings".
Confirm "Custom field group 1" is in "Group custom field" in the "Test group custom field category".
Click "Cancel" to back to the Groups screen.
Click "Test Import Group 2" in the "Groups" box and click "Edit group settings".
Confirm "Custom field group 2" is in "Group custom field" in the "Test group custom field category".
Click "Cancel" to back to the Groups screen.
Go to "Groupings" page.
Click cog icon for the row "Test Grouping 1".
Confirm "Custom grouping 1" is set for "Grouping custom text" in the "Test grouping custom field category".
Test backup/restore
Go to the created course.
Go to "Course reuse" in "More" dropdown link in the course menu.
Choose "Backup" from the dropdown.
Make sure the option "Include groups and groupings" is ticked, and click "Jump to final step".
Click "Continue" to finish backup.
Click "Restore" in the "Course backup area".
In the "1. Confirm" section, click "Continue".
In the "2. Destination" section, click something category in the "Restore as a new course > Select a category" section, then click "Continue".
In the "3. Settings" section, make sure "Include groups and grouping" is ticked, then click "Next".
In the "4. Schema" section, click "Next".
in the "5. Review" section, click "Perform restore".
In the "7. Complete" section, click "Continue".
You are in the copied course. Click "Participants".
Go to groups page.
Confirm there are "Test CF group", "Test Import Group 1", and "Test Import Group 2".
Choose "Test CF group" and click "Edit group settings".
Confirm "Group updated value" is set for "Group custom text" in the "Test group custom field category".
Click "Cancel", choose "Test Import Group 1", and click "Edit group settings".
Confirm "Custom field group 1" is in "Group custom field" in the "Test group custom field category".
Click "Cancel", choose "Test Import Group 2", and click "Edit group settings".
Confirm "Custom field group 2" is in "Group custom field" in the "Test group custom field category".
Click "Cancel" to back to the Groups screen.
Go to "Groupings" page.
Click cog icon for "Test CF grouping" row.
Confirm "Grouping updated value" is set for "Grouping custom text" in the "Test grouping custom field category".
Click cog icon for the row "Test Grouping 1".
Confirm "Custom grouping 1" is set for "Grouping custom text" in the "Test grouping custom field category".