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  1. Moodle
  2. MDL-67560

Allow LTI in Tiny Text Editor


    • MDL-67560-ltirichtextembed
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      In this test, we're going to check that a tool may be used to register itself as visible in the Tiny Text editor, and from there, LTI Links may be embedded in the rich text content. When the content is displayed to the end user, the LTI launch are automatically executed and displayed within the rich content.

      For the LTI 1.3 and dynamic registration, this test will use the Robotest test app. Feel free to substitute for other LTI 1.3 tools (https://saltire.lti.app/tool for example).

      LTI 1.3/Advantage Application


      1. LTI Advantage requires your site to be reachable from the internet. If not, Install ngrok to expose your moodle setup externally. Refer here for additional guidelines
      2. Have a course with an instructor.
      3. Have the Robotest Test app installed
        1. As site administrator, navigate to Site Admin > Plugins > Activity Modules > External Tool > Manage Tools
        2. In the box that says tool url enter: https://robotest.theedtech.dev/register
        3. Click the Add LTI Advantage button
        4. The test tool should open with a trace of the communication with Moodle, all should be green (thumbs up).
        5. Click the close button - the test app UI should disappear and the list of tools refreshing
        6. Verify the Robotest app has been added and is not yet activated
        7. Click the Activate button
      4. Tiny is the Default Text Editor for the site

      Test 1: verify dynamic registration enabled Atto placement

      1. Open the Robotest app
      2. Verify:
        1. Deep Linking is checked
        2. As Rich Text Editor is checked

      Test 2: LTI Link can be embedded in Atto Editor

      1. As instructor in a course, create a new Page content
      2. In the general description rich text editor, verify:
        1. External tool icon is available
        2. Click on it and verify Robotest app is visible (and the only one unless you enabled other lti apps for rich text editor placements)
      3. Click on Robotest
      4. Verify:
        1. Robotest app is displayed successfully
        2. The graded item is striked through (indicating this launch will ignore grade information if included in response)
        3. Select one of the links (graded or not graded)
        4. Verify the link is added to the rich text editor content
      5. Save the page

      Test 3: Verify the Link is displayed embedded

      1. From the content, open the created page in Test 2
      2. Verify the page includes the Robotest app, Thumbs Up


      In this test, we're going to check that a tool may be used to register itself as visible in the Tiny Text editor, and from there, LTI Links may be embedded in the rich text content. When the content is displayed to the end user, the LTI launch are automatically executed and displayed within the rich content. For the LTI 1.3 and dynamic registration, this test will use the Robotest test app. Feel free to substitute for other LTI 1.3 tools ( https://saltire.lti.app/tool for example). LTI 1.3/Advantage Application pre-requisite LTI Advantage requires your site to be reachable from the internet. If not, Install ngrok to expose your moodle setup externally. Refer here for additional guidelines Have a course with an instructor. Have the Robotest Test app installed As site administrator, navigate to Site Admin > Plugins > Activity Modules > External Tool > Manage Tools In the box that says tool url enter: https://robotest.theedtech.dev/register Click the Add LTI Advantage button The test tool should open with a trace of the communication with Moodle, all should be green (thumbs up). Click the close button - the test app UI should disappear and the list of tools refreshing Verify the Robotest app has been added and is not yet activated Click the Activate button Tiny is the Default Text Editor for the site Test 1: verify dynamic registration enabled Atto placement Open the Robotest app Verify: Deep Linking is checked As Rich Text Editor is checked Test 2: LTI Link can be embedded in Atto Editor As instructor in a course, create a new Page content In the general description rich text editor, verify: External tool icon is available Click on it and verify Robotest app is visible (and the only one unless you enabled other lti apps for rich text editor placements) Click on Robotest Verify: Robotest app is displayed successfully The graded item is striked through (indicating this launch will ignore grade information if included in response) Select one of the links (graded or not graded) Verify the link is added to the rich text editor content Save the page Test 3: Verify the Link is displayed embedded From the content, open the created page in Test 2 Verify the page includes the Robotest app, Thumbs Up  

      Tiny editor - Add LTI tool launches to the Tiny editor When launched, tool opens in modal window using iframe, then use deep linking to return lti link (in I frame embedded in editor) or html to the editor.

      User stories:

      As an instructor, I want to use LTI Deep Linking to add an embedded LTI Link in my text editor
      As an Instructor, I want to use LTI Deep Linking to add a link that opens in a new window in my text editor

      As an admin, I want to allow students to be able to access LTI Deep Linking flow to add LTI Links to their text when a tool is meant to be used by students

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