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  1. Moodle
  2. MDL-67812

Create a new repository for the content bank


    • MDL-67812-master-latest-3
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      1. Login as Admin
      2. Go to Site administration > Plugins > Repositories > Manage repositories
      3. Enable the 'Content bank' repository
      4. Go to Site administration > Courses > Manage courses and categories
      5. Create 1 course category:
        1. Category1
      6. Create a 1 subcategory:
        1. SubCategory1 subcategory where Category1 is the parent category
      7. Create several courses:
        1. MiscellaneousCourse1 in the Miscellaneous category
        2. MiscellaneousCourse2 in the Miscellaneous category
        3. Category1Course1 in the Category1 category
        4. SubCategory1Course1 in the SubCategory1 category
      8. Add h5p files into the content bank for multiple contexts. (Note: currenlty only h5p files are supported by the content bank)
        1. System context
          1. How to add content:
            1. Go to 'Dashboard'
            2. Click on the 'Content bank' item in the navigation block
            3. Add an h5p file into the content bank
        2. Course category context
          1. Add into the following course category contexts:
            1. Miscellaneous
            2. Category1
            3. SubCategory1
          2. How to add:
            1. Go to Site administration > Courses > Manage courses and categories
            2. Click on the link of the desired course category (ex. 'Miscellaneous')
            3. Click on the 'Content bank' item in the navigation block
            4. Add an h5p file into the content bank
        3. Course context
          1. Add into the following course contexts:
            1. MiscellaneousCourse1
            2. MiscellaneousCourse2
            3. SubCategory1Course1
          2. How to add:
            1. Go to 'Site home'
            2. Click on the link of the desired course (ex. 'MiscellaneousCourse1') in the 'Available courses' section
            3. Click on the 'Content bank' item in the navigation block
            4. Add an h5p file into the content bank
      9. Enrol a user as an editing teacher in the following courses:
        1. MiscellaneousCourse1
        2. Category1Course1
        3. SubCategory1Course1
      10. Enrol a user as a non-editing teacher in the following courses:
        1. MiscellaneousCourse1
      11. Enrol a user as a student in the following courses:
        1. MiscellaneousCourse1

      Test 1.1 (By default, admin should be able to navigate through the entire tree and can view every existing content bank file from each existing context)

      1.  Login as Admin.
      2. Navigate to MiscellaneousCourse1
      3. Go to 'Edit settings'
      4. Click on the h5p button in the 'Course summary' editor and click on 'Browse repositories'
        1. make sure you can see the 'Content bank' repository in the repository options
      5. Click on the 'Content bank' repository
        1. make sure you can initially see the content file added in the current context (MiscellaneousCourse1)
        2. make sure you can see a breadcrumb navigation up to the system context (System > Miscellaneous > MiscellaneousCourse1)
      6. Click on the 'Miscellaneous' node in the breadcrumb navigation
        1. make sure you can see the content file which was previously added in the 'Miscellaneous' context.
        2. make sure you can see 2 folders (representing each course from the Miscellaneous category):
          1. MiscellaneousCourse1
          2. MiscellaneousCourse2
      7. Click on the 'MiscellaneousCourse2' folder
        1. make sure you can see the content file which was previously added in the 'MiscellaneousCourse2' context.
      8. Click on the 'System' node in the breadcrumb navigation
        1. make sure you can see the content file which was previously added in the system context.
        2. make sure you can see 2 folders (representing each top level category):
          1. Miscellaneous
          2. Category1
      9. Click on the 'Category1' folder
        1. make sure you can see the content file which was previously added in the 'Category1' context.
        2. make sure you can see 2 folders:
          1. SubCategory1 (representing the subcategory of Category1)
          2. Category1Course1 (representing the course from the Category1 category)
      10. Click on the 'SubCategory1' folder
        1. make sure you can see the content file which was previously added in the 'SubCategory1' context.
        2. make sure you can see 1 folder:
          1. SubCategory1Course1 (representing the course from the SubCategory1 category)
      11. Click on the 'Category1' node in the breadcrumb navigation
      12. Click on the 'Category1Course1' folder
        1. make sure you cannot see any content files (we haven't added any files in this context)

      Test 1.2 (By default, admin should be able to re-use content bank files from each existing context)

      1. Login as Admin.
      2. Navigate to MiscellaneousCourse1
      3. Go to 'Edit settings'
      4. Click on the h5p button in the 'Course summary' editor and click on 'Browse repositories'
      5. Click on the 'Content bank' repository
      6. In the 'Content bank' repository navigate to the 'MiscellaneousCourse2' content (Miscellaneous > MiscellaneousCourse2)
      7. Click on the existing content file in 'MiscellaneousCourse2'
        1. Select 'Make a copy of the file'
        2. Click 'Select this file'
      8. Click 'Insert H5P'
        1. make sure the file has been added to the 'Course summary' field.
      9. Repeat this process by adding content files from different contexts
        1. make sure each time the file has been successfully added.

      Test 2.1 (By default, an editing teacher should be able to navigate through the course contexts where he is enrolled in, parent categories of the enrolled courses and the system context)

      1. Login as Editing teacher.
      2. Navigate to MiscellaneousCourse1
      3. Go to 'Edit settings'
      4. Click on the h5p button in the 'Course summary' editor and click on 'Browse repositories'
        1. make sure you can see the 'Content bank' repository in the repository options
      5. Click on the 'Content bank' repository
        1. make sure you can initially see the content file added in the current context (MiscellaneousCourse1)
        2. make sure you can see a breadcrumb navigation up to the system context (System > Miscellaneous > MiscellaneousCourse1)
      6. Click on the 'Miscellaneous' node in the breadcrumb navigation
        1. make sure you can see the content file which was previously added in the 'Miscellaneous' context.
        2. make sure you can see 1 folder (representing the course from the Miscellaneous category where the Editing teacher is enrolled):
          1. MiscellaneousCourse1
      7. Click on the 'System' node in the breadcrumb navigation
        1. make sure you can see the content file which was previously added in the system context.
        2. make sure you can see 2 folders (representing each top level category which is also a parent category of the courses where the Editing teacher is enrolled):
          1. Miscellaneous
          2. Category1
      8. Click on the 'Category1' folder
        1. make sure you can see the content file which was previously added in the 'Category1' context.
        2. make sure you can see 2 folders:
          1. SubCategory1 (representing the subcategory of Category1)
          2. Category1Course1 (representing the course from the Category1 category)
      9. Click on the 'SubCategory1' folder
        1. make sure you can see the content file which was previously added in the 'SubCategory1' context.
        2. make sure you can see 1 folder:
          1. SubCategory1Course1 (representing the course from the SubCategory1 category)

      Test 2.2 (By default, an editing teacher should be able to re-use content bank files from every available context)

      1. Login as an Editing teacher.
      2. Navigate to MiscellaneousCourse1
      3. Go to 'Edit settings'
      4. Click on the h5p button in the 'Course summary' editor and click on 'Browse repositories'
      5. Click on the 'Content bank' repository
      6. In the 'Content bank' repository navigate to the 'Category1' content (System > Category1)
      7. Click on the existing content file in 'Category1'
        1. Select 'Make a copy of the file'
        2. Click 'Select this file'
      8. Click 'Insert H5P'
        1. make sure the file has been added to the 'Course summary' field.
      9. Repeat this process by adding content files from different available contexts
        1. make sure each time the file has been successfully added.

      Test 3 (By default, a non-editing teacher should not be able to access the content bank repository)

      1. Login as an Non-editing teacher.
      2. Navigate to MiscellaneousCourse1
      3. Go to 'Announcements' and click on 'Add a new topic'
      4. Click on the 'Manage files' icon in the 'Message' editor
      5. In the 'File manager' click on the 'Add..' button
        1. make sure the 'Content bank' repository is not in the available repository options

      Test 4 (By default, a student should not be able to access the content bank repository)

      1. Login as Admin
      2. Navigate to MiscellaneousCourse1
      3. Create an Assignment in the course with enabled 'File submissions'
      4. Log in as a Student
      5. Navigate to MiscellaneousCourse1
      6. Go to the Assignment and click on 'Add submission'
      7. Click on the 'Add...' button in the 'File submissions' editor
        1. make sure the 'Content bank' repository is not in the available repository options
      Setup Login as Admin Go to Site administration > Plugins > Repositories > Manage repositories Enable the 'Content bank' repository Go to Site administration > Courses > Manage courses and categories Create 1 course category: Category1 Create a 1 subcategory: SubCategory1 subcategory where Category1 is the parent category Create several courses: MiscellaneousCourse1 in the Miscellaneous category MiscellaneousCourse2 in the Miscellaneous category Category1Course1 in the Category1 category SubCategory1Course1 in the SubCategory1 category Add h5p files into the content bank for multiple contexts. (Note: currenlty only h5p files are supported by the content bank) System context How to add content: Go to 'Dashboard' Click on the 'Content bank' item in the navigation block Add an h5p file into the content bank Course category context Add into the following course category contexts: Miscellaneous Category1 SubCategory1 How to add: Go to Site administration > Courses > Manage courses and categories Click on the link of the desired course category (ex. 'Miscellaneous') Click on the 'Content bank' item in the navigation block Add an h5p file into the content bank Course context Add into the following course contexts: MiscellaneousCourse1 MiscellaneousCourse2 SubCategory1Course1 How to add: Go to 'Site home' Click on the link of the desired course (ex. 'MiscellaneousCourse1') in the 'Available courses' section Click on the 'Content bank' item in the navigation block Add an h5p file into the content bank Enrol a user as an editing teacher in the following courses: MiscellaneousCourse1 Category1Course1 SubCategory1Course1 Enrol a user as a non-editing teacher in the following courses: MiscellaneousCourse1 Enrol a user as a student in the following courses: MiscellaneousCourse1 Test 1.1 (By default, admin should be able to navigate through the entire tree and can view every existing content bank file from each existing context)  Login as Admin. Navigate to MiscellaneousCourse1 Go to 'Edit settings' Click on the h5p button in the 'Course summary' editor and click on 'Browse repositories' make sure you can see the 'Content bank' repository in the repository options Click on the 'Content bank' repository make sure you can initially see the content file added in the current context (MiscellaneousCourse1) make sure you can see a breadcrumb navigation up to the system context (System > Miscellaneous > MiscellaneousCourse1) Click on the 'Miscellaneous' node in the breadcrumb navigation make sure you can see the content file which was previously added in the 'Miscellaneous' context. make sure you can see 2 folders (representing each course from the Miscellaneous category): MiscellaneousCourse1 MiscellaneousCourse2 Click on the 'MiscellaneousCourse2' folder make sure you can see the content file which was previously added in the 'MiscellaneousCourse2' context. Click on the 'System' node in the breadcrumb navigation make sure you can see the content file which was previously added in the system context. make sure you can see 2 folders (representing each top level category): Miscellaneous Category1 Click on the 'Category1' folder make sure you can see the content file which was previously added in the 'Category1' context. make sure you can see 2 folders: SubCategory1 (representing the subcategory of Category1) Category1Course1 (representing the course from the Category1 category) Click on the 'SubCategory1' folder make sure you can see the content file which was previously added in the 'SubCategory1' context. make sure you can see 1 folder: SubCategory1Course1 (representing the course from the SubCategory1 category) Click on the 'Category1' node in the breadcrumb navigation Click on the 'Category1Course1' folder make sure you cannot see any content files (we haven't added any files in this context) Test 1.2 (By default, admin should be able to re-use content bank files from each existing context) Login as Admin. Navigate to MiscellaneousCourse1 Go to 'Edit settings' Click on the h5p button in the 'Course summary' editor and click on 'Browse repositories' Click on the 'Content bank' repository In the 'Content bank' repository navigate to the 'MiscellaneousCourse2' content (Miscellaneous > MiscellaneousCourse2) Click on the existing content file in 'MiscellaneousCourse2' Select 'Make a copy of the file' Click 'Select this file' Click 'Insert H5P' make sure the file has been added to the 'Course summary' field. Repeat this process by adding content files from different contexts make sure each time the file has been successfully added. Test 2.1 (By default, an editing teacher should be able to navigate through the course contexts where he is enrolled in, parent categories of the enrolled courses and the system context) Login as Editing teacher. Navigate to MiscellaneousCourse1 Go to 'Edit settings' Click on the h5p button in the 'Course summary' editor and click on 'Browse repositories' make sure you can see the 'Content bank' repository in the repository options Click on the 'Content bank' repository make sure you can initially see the content file added in the current context (MiscellaneousCourse1) make sure you can see a breadcrumb navigation up to the system context (System > Miscellaneous > MiscellaneousCourse1) Click on the 'Miscellaneous' node in the breadcrumb navigation make sure you can see the content file which was previously added in the 'Miscellaneous' context. make sure you can see 1 folder (representing the course from the Miscellaneous category where the Editing teacher is enrolled): MiscellaneousCourse1 Click on the 'System' node in the breadcrumb navigation make sure you can see the content file which was previously added in the system context. make sure you can see 2 folders (representing each top level category which is also a parent category of the courses where the Editing teacher is enrolled): Miscellaneous Category1 Click on the 'Category1' folder make sure you can see the content file which was previously added in the 'Category1' context. make sure you can see 2 folders: SubCategory1 (representing the subcategory of Category1) Category1Course1 (representing the course from the Category1 category) Click on the 'SubCategory1' folder make sure you can see the content file which was previously added in the 'SubCategory1' context. make sure you can see 1 folder: SubCategory1Course1 (representing the course from the SubCategory1 category) Test 2.2 (By default, an editing teacher should be able to re-use content bank files from every available context) Login as an Editing teacher. Navigate to MiscellaneousCourse1 Go to 'Edit settings' Click on the h5p button in the 'Course summary' editor and click on 'Browse repositories' Click on the 'Content bank' repository In the 'Content bank' repository navigate to the 'Category1' content (System > Category1) Click on the existing content file in 'Category1' Select 'Make a copy of the file' Click 'Select this file' Click 'Insert H5P' make sure the file has been added to the 'Course summary' field. Repeat this process by adding content files from different available contexts make sure each time the file has been successfully added. Test 3 (By default, a non-editing teacher should not be able to access the content bank repository) Login as an Non-editing teacher. Navigate to MiscellaneousCourse1 Go to 'Announcements' and click on 'Add a new topic' Click on the 'Manage files' icon in the 'Message' editor In the 'File manager' click on the 'Add..' button make sure the 'Content bank' repository is not in the available repository options Test 4 (By default, a student should not be able to access the content bank repository) Login as Admin Navigate to MiscellaneousCourse1 Create an Assignment in the course with enabled 'File submissions' Log in as a Student Navigate to MiscellaneousCourse1 Go to the Assignment and click on 'Add submission' Click on the 'Add...' button in the 'File submissions' editor make sure the 'Content bank' repository is not in the available repository options
    • 3
    • Activity Sprint 8, Activity Sprint 9, Activity Sprint 10, Activity Sprint 11

      As a teacher
      I want to select from the file picker the H5P content created in the Content bank
      So that I can reuse it easily everywhere (activities, resources...).

      Acceptance criteria:

      • Create a new repository for users to be able to select and reuse content uploaded/created in the Content bank.
      • Show the content in the content bank inside the file picker.
      • Select content from this repository and attach it everywhere where the file picker is displayed.

      List of tasks:

      • Create new repository_contentbank plugin skeleton
      • Adapt or create DB tables as needed
      • Create capabilities
      • Implement the Privacy API or implement a null privacy provider and create a new issue
      • Create a view for the content bank to be shown inside the repository_contentbank

        1. accordion.h5p
          530 kB
        2. arithmetic-quiz.h5p
          758 kB
        3. filltheblanks.h5p
          699 kB
        4. find-the-words.h5p
          617 kB
        5. helloworld.h5p
          35 kB
        6. image-2020-04-30-11-37-44-714.png
          21 kB
        7. repository_contentbank_proposal.png
          76 kB
        8. Test 1.1.png
          Test 1.1.png
          455 kB
        9. Test 1.2.PNG
          Test 1.2.PNG
          22 kB
        10. Test 2.1.png
          Test 2.1.png
          183 kB
        11. Test 2.2,Test 3 and Test 4.png
          Test 2.2,Test 3 and Test 4.png
          91 kB

            Geshoski Mihail Geshoski
            sarjona Sara Arjona (@sarjona)
            Amaia Anabitarte Amaia Anabitarte
            Victor Déniz Falcón Victor Déniz Falcón
            Gladys Basiana Gladys Basiana
            0 Vote for this issue
            14 Start watching this issue


                Original Estimate - 0 minutes
                Remaining Estimate - 0 minutes
                Time Spent - 2 weeks, 2 hours, 30 minutes
                2w 2h 30m

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