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  1. Moodle
  2. MDL-67883

A list of issues related to communication between MoodleNet and moodle


    • MoodleNet integration into Moodle
    • MDL-67883-squash
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      Test requirements

      A) Make sure you have at least two different courses.

      • Need a publicly visible Moodle site (ngrok).
        1. You can download ngrok from https://ngrok.com/download
        2. run from the command line ./ngrok http 80
        3. Update your config.php file so that $CFG->wwwroot uses the address from running ngrok.

      B) An account on https://home.moodle.net/ e.g. moodleqatester@gmail.com password moodlenetqatester!

      C) Confirm that your Moodle site goes to home.moodle.net

      1. Log in as an administrator.
      2. Go to Site administration > MoodleNet settings.
      3. Check that the Default MoodleNet URL is https://home.moodle.net/

      Transfer (Moodle backup file) from MoodleNet (not logged in)

      1. Go to https://home.moodle.net/. If you are logged in then please log out.
      2. Browse for a Moodle backup file e.g. in the Moodle courses collection
      3. There should be a menu (three periods in a row) with the option of "Send to Moodle". Click that.
      4. A popup may appear asking for the moodle instance to send to. Enter in the URL of your moodle instance.
      5. You will be presented with a confirmation dialogue. Click confirm.
      6. Check that the next screen shows Backup details. Scroll down and click "Continue".
      7. Check that you are on a screen to select a course. Pick a course and click "Continue".
      8. Scroll down to the bottom of the next screen and click "Next"
      9. Scroll down to the bottom of this settings page and click "Perform restore"
      10. Check that the there is a message showing that the course had been restored successfully. Click "Continue"
      11. Confirm that course is restored correctly.

      Transfer (Normal file) from MoodleNet (not logged in)

      1. Go to https://home.moodle.net/. If you are logged in then please log out.
      2. Enter png into the search box (or other file type such as jpeg but not mbz because we already tested it)
      3. Choose a file to import into Moodle.
      4. There should be a menu (three periods in a row) with the option of "Send to Moodle". Click that.
      5. A popup may appear asking for the moodle instance to send to. Enter in the URL of your moodle instance.
      6. You will be presented with a confirmation dialogue. Click confirm.
      7. Check that you are on a course selection screen.
      8. Click on a course.
      9. Confirm that you see a dialogue asking what format the file should be. Select "Create a file resource" and then click "Continue".
      10. Confirm that the file has been added to the very top section.

      Transfer a link from MoodleNet (not logged in)

      1. Go to https://home.moodle.net/. If you are logged in then please log out.
      2. Browse for a link to import into Moodle. (There are lots to choose from.)
      3. There should be a menu (three periods in a row) with the option of "Send to Moodle". Click that.
      4. A popup may appear asking for the moodle instance to send to. Enter in the URL of your moodle instance.
      5. You will be presented with a confirmation dialogue. Click confirm.
      6. Check that you are on a course selection screen.
      7. Click on a course.
      8. Confirm that you see a dialogue to create a URL. Click "Continue".
      9. Confirm that there is now a URL resource in the top section.

      Using the activity chooser.

      1. Go to a course.
      2. Turn editing on.
      3. Click the "Add an activity or resource" link to launch the activity chooser. Make note of the section that you clicked the link in.
      4. At the bottom of the activity chooser should be a link that says "Or, browse for content on MoodleNet". Click that.
      5. Click the "Moodle HQ MoodleNet" button.
      6. You should be redirected to https://home.moodle.net
      7. Browse MoodleNet and find a resource.
      8. There should be a menu (three periods in a row) with the option of "Send to Moodle". Click that.
      9. Check that you are presented with a confirm dialogue asking if you want to continue. Click "Confirm"
      10. Next you will be greeted with a new dialogue asking for what type of format you want to import the content as. Click one of the options.
      11. Check that the content has been created in the correct course and section.

      Testing the MoodleNet profile validation.

      1. Go to a course.
      2. Turn editing on.
      3. Click the "Add an activity or resource" link to launch the activity chooser.
      4. At the bottom of the activity chooser should be a link that says "Or, browse for content on MoodleNet". Click that.
      5. There should be a text box to enter in your MoodleNet user profile.
      6. Type in "somethingthatisnotauserprofile" and click "Save and go"
      7. Check that you get the following response - "Please enter a valid MoodleNet profile"
      8. Try again but this time put in "test@home.moodlenet.com"
      9. Check that you get the following response - "There was a problem trying to validate your profile"
      10. This time try with your MoodleNet account (test requirements part B)
      11. Check that you get a message of "Looks good" and you are redirected to MoodleNet.

      Testing an import starting from Moodle to MoodleNet and then back.

      1. Go to a course.
      2. Turn editing on.
      3. Click the "Add an activity or resource" link to launch the activity chooser.
      4. At the bottom of the activity chooser should be a link that says "Or, browse for content on MoodleNet". Click that.
      5. Because the profile information has already been entered check that you skip the screen to enter in profile details and instead are directed straight to MoodleNet.
      6. Browse MoodleNet for some content to send back.
      7. Click the "Send to Moodle" link.
      8. You should be directed to some steps to import the content.
      9. Check that when you finally get back to the course that the content has been imported.

      Test importing content with no permission to create content in courses.

      1. Log in as a student to your moodle instance.
      2. Go to https://home.moodle.net/. If you are logged in then please log out.
      3. Browse MoodleNet for some content.
      4. There should be a menu (three periods in a row) with the option of "Send to Moodle". Click that.
      5. A popup may appear asking for the moodle instance to send to. Enter in the URL of your moodle instance.
      6. Confirm that you see an error that says "Sorry, but you do not currently have permissions to do that (Manage activities)."
      Test requirements A) Make sure you have at least two different courses. Need a publicly visible Moodle site (ngrok). You can download ngrok from https://ngrok.com/download run from the command line ./ngrok http 80 Update your config.php file so that $CFG->wwwroot uses the address from running ngrok. B) An account on https://home.moodle.net/ e.g. moodleqatester@gmail.com password moodlenetqatester! C) Confirm that your Moodle site goes to home.moodle.net Log in as an administrator. Go to Site administration > MoodleNet settings. Check that the Default MoodleNet URL is https://home.moodle.net/ Transfer (Moodle backup file) from MoodleNet (not logged in) Go to https://home.moodle.net/ . If you are logged in then please log out. Browse for a Moodle backup file e.g. in the Moodle courses collection There should be a menu (three periods in a row) with the option of "Send to Moodle". Click that. A popup may appear asking for the moodle instance to send to. Enter in the URL of your moodle instance. You will be presented with a confirmation dialogue. Click confirm. Check that the next screen shows Backup details. Scroll down and click "Continue". Check that you are on a screen to select a course. Pick a course and click "Continue". Scroll down to the bottom of the next screen and click "Next" Scroll down to the bottom of this settings page and click "Perform restore" Check that the there is a message showing that the course had been restored successfully. Click "Continue" Confirm that course is restored correctly. Transfer (Normal file) from MoodleNet (not logged in) Go to https://home.moodle.net/ . If you are logged in then please log out. Enter png into the search box (or other file type such as jpeg but not mbz because we already tested it) Choose a file to import into Moodle. There should be a menu (three periods in a row) with the option of "Send to Moodle". Click that. A popup may appear asking for the moodle instance to send to. Enter in the URL of your moodle instance. You will be presented with a confirmation dialogue. Click confirm. Check that you are on a course selection screen. Click on a course. Confirm that you see a dialogue asking what format the file should be. Select "Create a file resource" and then click "Continue". Confirm that the file has been added to the very top section. Transfer a link from MoodleNet (not logged in) Go to https://home.moodle.net/ . If you are logged in then please log out. Browse for a link to import into Moodle. (There are lots to choose from.) There should be a menu (three periods in a row) with the option of "Send to Moodle". Click that. A popup may appear asking for the moodle instance to send to. Enter in the URL of your moodle instance. You will be presented with a confirmation dialogue. Click confirm. Check that you are on a course selection screen. Click on a course. Confirm that you see a dialogue to create a URL. Click "Continue". Confirm that there is now a URL resource in the top section. Using the activity chooser. Go to a course. Turn editing on. Click the "Add an activity or resource" link to launch the activity chooser. Make note of the section that you clicked the link in. At the bottom of the activity chooser should be a link that says "Or, browse for content on MoodleNet". Click that. Click the "Moodle HQ MoodleNet" button. You should be redirected to https://home.moodle.net Browse MoodleNet and find a resource. There should be a menu (three periods in a row) with the option of "Send to Moodle". Click that. Check that you are presented with a confirm dialogue asking if you want to continue. Click "Confirm" Next you will be greeted with a new dialogue asking for what type of format you want to import the content as. Click one of the options. Check that the content has been created in the correct course and section. Testing the MoodleNet profile validation. Go to a course. Turn editing on. Click the "Add an activity or resource" link to launch the activity chooser. At the bottom of the activity chooser should be a link that says "Or, browse for content on MoodleNet". Click that. There should be a text box to enter in your MoodleNet user profile. Type in "somethingthatisnotauserprofile" and click "Save and go" Check that you get the following response - "Please enter a valid MoodleNet profile" Try again but this time put in "test@home.moodlenet.com" Check that you get the following response - "There was a problem trying to validate your profile" This time try with your MoodleNet account (test requirements part B) Check that you get a message of "Looks good" and you are redirected to MoodleNet. Testing an import starting from Moodle to MoodleNet and then back. Go to a course. Turn editing on. Click the "Add an activity or resource" link to launch the activity chooser. At the bottom of the activity chooser should be a link that says "Or, browse for content on MoodleNet". Click that. Because the profile information has already been entered check that you skip the screen to enter in profile details and instead are directed straight to MoodleNet. Browse MoodleNet for some content to send back. Click the "Send to Moodle" link. You should be directed to some steps to import the content. Check that when you finally get back to the course that the content has been imported. Test importing content with no permission to create content in courses. Log in as a student to your moodle instance. Go to https://home.moodle.net/ . If you are logged in then please log out. Browse MoodleNet for some content. There should be a menu (three periods in a row) with the option of "Send to Moodle". Click that. A popup may appear asking for the moodle instance to send to. Enter in the URL of your moodle instance. Confirm that you see an error that says "Sorry, but you do not currently have permissions to do that (Manage activities)."

      This epic encapsulates work that needs to be done to have communication between MoodleNet and moodle.

      This spans from sending users to MoodleNet to receiving files and links from the MoodleNet platform.

      Our initial focus is basic links to MoodleNet and receiving standard files and links to merge into courses for 3.9.

      There is a mockup available here.

        1. Screenshot_7.png
          37 kB
        2. Screenshot_6.png
          64 kB
        3. Screenshot_5.png
          117 kB
        4. Screenshot_4.png
          74 kB
        5. Screenshot_3.png
          113 kB
        6. Screenshot_2.png
          71 kB
        7. Screenshot_1.png
          110 kB

            abgreeve Adrian Greeve
            abgreeve Adrian Greeve
            Jun Pataleta Jun Pataleta
            Janelle Barcega Janelle Barcega
            1 Vote for this issue
            14 Start watching this issue


                Original Estimate - 0 minutes
                Remaining Estimate - 0 minutes
                Time Spent - 1 day, 6 hours, 48 minutes
                1d 6h 48m

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